About the Society.
The Winterslow and District Horticultural Society was set up in 1940 with the objective of the improvement of horticulture in Winterslow and the surrounding District by the exhibition of vegetables, flowers and fruit, and anything of interest suggested to, or by, the committee. Full details of how the Society is organised and run are contained in the Constitution.
In addition, to the Spring and Summer Flower Shows and other events organised by the committee, benefits to members include affiliated membership of the Royal Horticultural Society.
Another exclusive benefit to members is the large discount obtainable by the Society from Dobie's seeds (up to 50% on seeds and up to 15% on plants.
Please note that to obtain the discount, you will need to obtain the online code from a Committee member - this can be used anytime you place an order with Dobies.
Order forms for plug plants can be obtained from the Secretary but will also be available at the Spring Show and Plant sale.
Members also get a free copy of the Year Book which contains full Show details, official entry forms, and further useful information about the Society.
Membership is open to all and annual subscription is £7 per household.
Most of the Society's events will be held at the Village Hall, entry to which is free. Details, including venues for Trips and events not in the Village Hall, can be found in the attached events programme .
The Flower Shows.
The Spring and Summer Flower Shows are a major feature of the society and are popular and always well attended. Full details, together with the show schedules and entry forms, can be found by following the link to the Shows.
Our Facebook Page
If you are a Facebook follower you can view our page Winterslow and district horticultural society
Both will be updated regularly with the latest Society news, upcoming events, gardening tips and photos.
Society News.
The latest news will appear in the monthly Parish Magazine and details of trips & talks will be updated on this site and our Facebook page.
To join the society, or obtain further details of any of the above, contact the secretary at caroline@mpmj.co.uk