Publications & Data

N.B. Copies of additional working papers and projects listed on the current iteration of my vita, as well as information on additional data used in the projects above, where not directly available, are available by email request.

2023. Gender Quota Adoption and the Qualifications of Parliamentarians (with Andrea S. Aldrich), Journal of Politics. Full Text and replication files available HERE

2021. Individual amending activity in the European Parliament committee system (with Stefan Thierse), Journal of European Integration. Full Text and replication files available HERE

2021. Assessing the Impact of Membership Turnover on Constituent Views of the European Parliament (with Shawna Metzger), In Personnel Turnover and the Legitimacy of the EU (John Scherpereel, Ed.). Full Text available HERE. Replication files available by email request.

2020. Reaching out to the voter? Campaigning on Twitter during the 2019 European elections (with Lukas Obholzer), Research & Politics. Full Text available HERE. Replication files available HERE.

2020. Locating Gendered Representation in European Union Member States (with Andrea S. Aldrich). In Research Handbook on the Politics of EU Law (Paul James Cardwell and Marie-Pierre Granger, Eds.). Edward Elgar. Available HERE. 

2020. Multi-Level Politics from Within a Single European Legislature: Analyzing Early Exits from the Eighth European Parliament. In The European Union and Beyond: Multi- Level Governance, Institutions, and Policy-Making (Jae-Jae Spoon and Nils Ringe, Eds.). ECPR Press: Rowman & Littlefield. Available HERE. 

2019. The Consequences of Quotas: Assessing the Effect of Varied Gender Quotas on Legislator Experience in the European Parliament (with Andrea S. Aldrich), Politics & Gender. Full Text available HERE. Replication files are available by emailing Andrea Aldrich.

2019. Static and dynamic incentives for Twitter usage in the European Parliament (with Steffen Hurka & Lukas Obholzer), Party Politics, Vol. 25 (6), 771-781. Full Text available HERE. Replication files are available by email request.

2018. Individual Determinants for the Selection of Group Coordinators in the European Parliament (with Stefan Theirse), JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 56 (4), 939-954. Full Text available HERE. Replication files are available by email request.

2018. Within or Between Jobs? Determinants of membership volatility in the European Parliament, 1979-2014 (with Shawna K. Metzger), The Journal of Legislative Studies, Vol. 24 (1), 90-108. Full Text available HERE. Replication files available HERE.

2018. Determinants of Moonlighting in the European Parliament (with Steffen Hurka & Lukas Obholzer), The Journal of Legislative Studies, Vol. 24 (1), 127-147. Full Text available HERE. Replication files are available by email request.

2017. An American Perspective on European Union Flexibility & Differentiation. In How much Flexibility and Differentiation can European Integration bear? (Thomas Giegerich, Desirée Schmitt, and Sebastian Zeitzmann, Eds.). Nomos. Full Text Available HERE. Video of paper presentation available HERE.

2017. When Time is money: Sideline jobs, ancillary income and legislative effort (with Steffen Hurka & Lukas Obholzer), The Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 5 (25), 655-661. Full Text and Replication files available HERE. Replication files are available by email request.

2016. First-order contests for second-order parties? Differentiated candidate nomination strategies in European Parliament elections, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38 (7), 807-822.Full Text available HERE. Replication files are available by email request.

2016. An online electoral connection? How electoral systems condition representatives’ social media use (with Lukas Obholzer), European Union Politics, Vol. 17 (3), 387-407. Full Text available HERE.Replication files available HERE. [Winner of the SAGE Award for best article published in volume.]

2015. Career Behaviour and the European Parliament: All Roads Lead Through Brussels? Monograph. Oxford University Press. Available HERE. Replication files available HERE.

2015. The Europeanisation of the Turkish Parliament (with Basak Yavcan). In The Europeanisation of Turkey: Polity and Politics (Aylin Guney and Ali Tekin, Eds.). Routledge. Available HERE.  

2013. When the Agent Knows Better than the Principal: the Effect of Education and Seniority on European Parliament Rapporteur Assignment, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 51 (5), 832-848. Full Text available HERE. Replication files available HERE.

2013. All Roads Lead Through Brussels? Career Ambition and the European Parliament. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Pittsburgh. Full Text Available HERE.

2012. Party Organization and Party Democracy: Austrian Representation in the Nationalrat and European Parliament. OeFG: Innovative Democracy - Working Paper Series, Vol. 1 (3). Full Text available HERE.