Community Nutrition Outreach

Warren B. Karp, Ph.D., D.M.D., Professor Emeritus

The Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University

Great Tasting Food Should Be Great For Your Mind and Body, Too

Hey, Everyone!

Let's find some very practical ways of making sure that what you buy, prepare and eat is is important that you get the most "bang-for-your-buck" out of your food dollars.

There are several ways you can stretch your food dollar.  Instead of eating out, you can prepare healthy meals very quickly and very inexpensively.  Also, you can go on a virtual shopping trip with me. One nice thing about a virtual shopping trip is that it doesn't cost any money!  I wish real shopping were like that.  The idea is to show you that healthy food is less expensive, easier to prepare and can taste delicious.  Today, there is this rumor that "if it is good for you, it must taste really bad." That is simply not true. That's what I want us to chat about.

Do you ever wonder how in the world you can separate nutrition and diet facts from all the quackery out there? Simply click on this picture, to find out how:

Always feel free to email me your questions at:

Here are some ideas for preparing healthy, simple meals, just as a start.  

Meals Delicious Healthy Fast.pptx

"Clic-on-the-pic" to go to a website that has some "Feng Shui Cooking" recipes on it....

You can find columns I write for The Medical Examiner and for Verge Magazine on this website:

Questions People Have Asked Me About Food

There are no products being pushed and I received no financial support for writing these columns or the book or even coming to speak to you.

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be successful at changing your eating behaviors?  If so, you may be interested in this article: What Does It Take To Make Permanent Lifestyle Changes?

Feel free to message me on Facebook.  It would  be great if you "friended" or "followed" me...that way, you can ask me questions and you can read my answers to other people's questions.

Food Shopping With WBKarp General Audience.pptx




About The Speaker

Warren B. Karp, Ph.D., D.M.D. is Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Pediatrics, Oral Biology and Oral Diagnosis at Augusta University. He has a Ph.D. in nutritional biochemistry from The Ohio State University and a D.M.D. from Augusta University. He is an elected member of The American Institute of Nutrition, The American Society of Clinical Nutrition, and is Past President of The Georgia Nutrition Council. He has served as the Director of the Nutrition Consult Service at the AU Dental College of Georgia for over 20 years, appointed to the Governor's Obesity Taskforce, he is an American Heart Association lecturer, and has served as the Vice Chair of the Augusta (Columbia County) Board of Health. He is married to Dr. Nancy Karp, a physical therapist and they have two (grown) children. You can find a biographical sketch and more about Dr. Karp here:  

Even though Dr. Karp is a Professor Emeritus at Augusta University, his statements, views, and opinions are his and his, alone, and do not reflect the statements, views and opinions of Augusta University. Dr. Karp has no financial or other interests in any food, book, nutrition product or company. His interest is only in providing evidenced-based, scientific nutrition knowledge and education.
