Manhattan Beach Former Mayor Wayne Powell

From My Heart to MB  ~  I ♥️ MB ©


To our wonderful Manhattan Beach community,


I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all Manhattan Beach residents for having the honor and privilege of serving our wonderful community. As your (former) City Councilmember, I will always be accessible, solicit input from all members of our community, persistently work hard to improve our quality of life and keep our city safe, passionately practice open and transparent government, and provide vigorous financial oversight and accountability.


Shortly after my election, I was successful in moving the General Audience Participation portion of the City Council agenda from the end of the City Council meeting to the beginning, so that our residents don't have to wait (often 4-6 hours) to offer general comments/concerns or to speak about items that are not on the agenda. As Mayor, I was successful in removing the total time limit of 15 minutes on General Audience Participation so that everyone has an opportunity to speak on multiple agenda items.

I'm very proud to have led the successful effort to keep the State Lands Commission and Broad Beach (Malibu) residents from dredging (taking) 500,000 cubic yards of our vital Manhattan Beach offshore coastal sand.

My Campaign Finance Disclosure ordinance requires the city to post all candidate campaign finance disclosure documents (including deplorable "dark money" out of town special interests) on the city website.

I recognize that we may not always agree on every issue, but I will always keep an open mind, carefully review your valued input, deeply respect your opinions, greatly appreciate your public participation, and make fair-minded, well-reasoned decisions. Always feel free to email me your suggestions, ideas, comments, questions and concerns. I personally answer every email received.

I care to do the very best job I can for our city because I love Manhattan Beach, the magnificent family-oriented, beach town community we all love and call home.

To each a great Manhattan Beach!

[My Speech] 👈🏻           
[Headline News TV Interview] 👈🏻

Yours in service,
Wayne Powell

 Former Two-Term Mayor/Councilmember  

 City of Manhattan Beach 


Integrity is the essence of everything successful.★             


  My Pledge: Accountable, Transparent, Responsive, Equitable and Inclusive.