R Code

Section Contents

  • Why R is awesome for research

  • R code to estimate standard errors

  • R code to fit exactly-identified GMM model

  • R code to replicate Fama-French factors (size, value) plus momentum

  • Other miscellaneous R code (e.g. fit VAR model)

In Praise of R and RStudio

I have tried many statistical software programs (e.g. Matlab, STATA, SAS, SPSS) and have settled on R for my research needs. Specifically, RStudio allows me to complete all my research steps within a single program. It is also open source, free, and has a huge community of users who answer questions on StackOverflow. All the following research steps can be done:

  • Import Data: Read data files from other programs. Directly access data from WRDS (no need to use SAS). Directly download data from Quandl and other online databases.

  • Analyze Data: Run almost any statistical routine you'll ever need. Cutting edge techniques are usually first made available through R packages.

  • Plot Data and Create Tables: Generate all your figures and tables directly inside the program. R is renowned for its wide range of plotting capabilities. There's also packages that directly convert summary results or regression output into tables. Never again copy and paste.

  • Write Text and Equations: RStudio supports RMarkdown, which is an easy way to write text and code that generates beautiful LaTeX output. You can write equations and even run code to embed specific numbers into your text. There's no need for MS Word, but you still have the option to generate word documents. Compile PDF files directly.

  • Use Version Control: Track changes in different versions of your programs and allow for easy online collaboration. RStudio has version control capabilities built into it, so there's no need for a separate program. Supports both GIT and SVN.

  • Add References: Compile one bibliography and use it for all your papers (e.g. can use BibTeX and auto-generate it from Mendeley or copy and paste from Google Scholar). Use shorthand to cite papers within the text of your paper, and it will show up properly formatted. Auto-compile a References list at the end of the paper that includes all cited papers.

  • Make Presentations: Supports Beamer. Use the same code for equations, plots, and tables you've already written. Saves time and ensures all output is consistent between your paper and presentation.

The final result allows me to click a single button, and a PDF of my paper or presentation can be generated by re-running all the analyses and re-generating all the figures and tables from scratch. RStudio does all of this, so there's no need to use any other program.

Code for Standard Errors

# R approaches to replicate Petersen '09

# Rmd file and edits kindly provided by Robert McDonald


df.petersen <- read.dta("http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/faculty/petersen/htm/papers/se/test_data.dta")


summary(lm(y~x, data=df.petersen))

# White



model <- lm(y~x, data=df.petersen)

coeftest(model, vcovHC(model, type="HC0"))

# Clustered


summary(felm(y ~ x, data=df.petersen)) # same as OLS

summary(felm(y ~ x, data=df.petersen), robust=TRUE) # same as White

summary(felm(y ~ x | 0 | 0 | firmid, data=df.petersen)) # cluster by firm only

summary(felm(y ~ x | 0 | 0 | year, data=df.petersen)) # cluster by year only

summary(felm(y ~ x | 0 | 0 | firmid + year, data=df.petersen)) # cluster by both year and firm

# Fama-Macbeth


summary(pmg(y ~ x, data=df.petersen, index=c("year","firmid"))) # note that N and T are reversed to take advantage of the Mean Groups estimator; must also avoid NA's

# Newey-West

# Petersen data not time-series so not appropriate but can use as example anyway



model <- lm(y~x, data=df.petersen)

coeftest(model, NeweyWest(model, lag = 1, prewhite = FALSE)) # Newey-West '87 1 lag

# 0 lag should be same as White

coeftest(model, NeweyWest(model)) # Newey-West '94 auto-lag

floor(bwNeweyWest(model)) # provides lag parameter used by Newey-West '94

coeftest(model, NeweyWest(model, lag = floor(bwNeweyWest(model)), prewhite = TRUE)) # confirm same results

# Fixed Effects


summary(felm(y ~ x | firmid + year | 0 | 0, data=df.petersen)) # firm + year fixed effects

summary(felm(y ~ x | firmid + year | 0 | firmid + year, data=df.petersen)) # fixed effects with clustering



summary(gls(y~x, data=df.petersen))

# Bootstrapped



df.boot <- do(bootstrap(df.petersen, 1000), tidy(lm(y ~ x, .))) # 1000 sims

mean(df.boot[df.boot$term=="x",]$estimate) # mean coef

sd(df.boot[df.boot$term=="x",]$estimate) # standard error

Code for GMM (Exactly-Identified Example)



df.fin <- data.frame(rm=Finance[1:500,"rm"], rf=Finance[1:500,"rf"])

# gmm package author Pierre Chaussé recommends using formula approach for linear problems

summary(gmm(rm ~ rf, ~rf, data=df.fin))

# standard approach

g <- function(theta, x) {

m.1 <- x[,"rm"] - theta[1] - theta[2]*x[,"rf"]

m.z <- (x[,"rm"] - theta[1] - theta[2]*x[,"rf"])*x[,"rf"]

f <- cbind(m.1, m.z)



summary(gmm(g, df.fin, t0=c(0,0), method = "BFGS", control=list(fnscale=1e-8)))

summary(gmm(g, df.fin, t0=c(0,0), method = "BFGS", control=list(fnscale=1e-8), kernel="Bartlett", bw=bwNeweyWest)) # use Newey-West '94 standard errors

Code to Replicate Fama-French 3-Factor Model + RMW, CMA, and Momentum

The code replicates the construction of Mkt, SMB (3-factor version), HML, RMW, CMA, and UMD factors from scratch, using Ken French's methodology. I assume you can connect to COMPUSTAT and CRSP through WRDS. My results aren't perfect though. From July '26 through Dec '17, I get 98%+ correlations but my SMB, HML, RMW, and UMD premiums are off by ~1 bps/month while my CMA premium is off by 5.5 bps/month.

Main Fama-French File

Data Collected from Ken French Site Used in Code (Davis Book Data, Fama-French Factor returns)

*** Dec 2020 Update ***

I received an email from Victoria Voigts who identified improvements to better fit CMA. Unfortunately, since I haven't been updating my code, I have not included her revision in my original code. Here's her comment though:

When merging your linkfile with the compustat annual file, you need to change the filter to

Datatable: .[n==1 | (n>1 & datadate >= linkdt & (datadate <= linkenddt | is.na(linkenddt)))]

or in dyplr: filter(n==1 | (n>1 & datadate >= linkdt & (datadate <= linkenddt | is.na(linkenddt)))),

where n is the number of unique permno/gvkey-matches in the linkfile:

Datatable: .[, n := as.numeric(length(gvkey)), by='permno']

or in dyplr: group_by(permno) %>% mutate(n = length(gvkey)) %>% ungroup

otherwise you’re losing a few observations that are crucial for the CMA replication, apparently.

***Mar 2021 Update***

I'm no longer doing research so have no plans to update my code. However, I will continue posting emails from people who have improvement suggestions. The following is from Daniele Ballinari:

I noticed a potential problem. You retrieve the information about the exchange and share code from CRSP.MSE. I noticed that, at least for myself, the data I obtain from this table might contain more than one exchange or share code for a PERMNO and month (e.g. the stock changes the listing within the month). In your code, the data frame crsp.mse might therefore contain more than one row for each PERMNO-Date pair. When you later merge this data frame with the other CRSP data, you might run into trouble, as the resulting merged data frame also contains more than one observation for certain PERMNO and Date observations. This becomes problematic when you use na.locf on share and exchange codes.

Other Miscellaneous Code

File containing useful time-series and predictability related functions:

  • Fit ARMA Model using forecast package

  • Fit VAR model using vars package (based on Bernhard Pfaff's code and book)

  • Kendall and Stambaugh bias adjustment (using Amihud-Hurvich '04)

  • Fast/simple way to compound returns

  • Augmented Diebold-Mariano Test to assess predictability

  • Encompassing Test to assess predictability

Please contact me if you find errors or have suggestions about the code I've posted. However, I do not review others' code or help with student assignments (check Stack Overflow or Cross Validated instead).