Team Warmup and Speed Skills
Waverly Men’s Track Dynamic Warmup/Speed Development 2025
15 m drill/30m jog out
Walking Arm Circles
Tip toe quick walk straight-duck-pigeon
Heel Walk Quick Walk straight-duck-pigeon
Walking A’s
Knee Up/Toe Up/Thumbs Up
90° at ankle/knee/hip/elbow
Ball of foot lands under hips
A freeze pops/switch(Stabilizers 0:40 in video)
A’s with Skip(A Skips)
Walking B’s
B’s with Skip(B Skips)
ACB Skips(C Skip 1:13 in video)
Track Style(knee up-heel up cycles)
Walking Lunges
Skip-Skip-Scoop(A-A-double arm lunge/0:06 in video)
Side shuffles low and slow
Carioca Crossovers
Skip for height
Single Arm Bounds(1:30 in video)
Double Arm Bounds(1:36 in video)
Single Leg Stepovers(R/L)
Single Leg Step Arounds(R/L)
Stepovers Right Leg First(step over with first leg, step around with the second)
Stepovers Left Leg First(step over with first leg, step around with the second)
Around, Around, Around
Over, Unders
Standing Start
Feet 1 foot apart toe heel
Shift weight to front foot
Set Front shin angle 30 degrees to front
Arm on back foot side comes up
Push UP-shin angle will move you forward
30m Accelerations 40% Accel - 60% Accel- 80% Accel-90% Accel
Sprinters: LOAD and Push/Hold/
Sprinters: LOAD and Push-Push-Push-Push-3-2-1