Hbase 0.20 單機安裝


    • Java 1.6.x,或以後.

    • 只能搭配於 Hadoop 0.20.x.

    • ssh 能登入機器並免輸入密碼

    • HBase 從 0.20 後若要架設完全叢集模式,則需要搭配 ZooKeeper

    • 先運行 sudo ntpdate time.stdtime.gov.tw


hbase 家目錄

java 安裝所在

hbase metadata




建立hbase.tmp.dir 於 /var/ 資料夾下

$ sudo mkdir /var/hbase

$ sudo chmod 755 /var/hbase

將hbase 解壓縮於 /opt

$ sudo tar -zxvf hbase-*.tar.gz /opt/

$ sudo ln -sf /opt/hbase-0.20.1 /opt/hbase


將這一段寫入到 /opt/hbase/conf/conf/hbase-env.sh

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun

export HBASE_HOME=/opt/hbase

export HBASE_LOG_DIR=/var/hbase/logs

export HBASE_PID_DIR=/var/hbase/pids


將這一段寫入到 /opt/hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml 內





<description>The directory shared by region servers.






<description>Temporary directory on the local filesystem.</description>



ps:此 hbase.rootdir 目錄由hbase建立即可,不用手動另行操作


啟動 hbase


執行 hbase

$/opt/hbase/bin/hbase shell

hbase> # Type "help" to see shell help screen

hbase> help

hbase> # To create a table named "mylittletable" with a column family of "mylittlecolumnfamily", type

hbase> create "mylittletable", "mylittlecolumnfamily"

hbase> # To see the schema for you just created "mylittletable" table and its single "mylittlecolumnfamily", type

hbase> describe "mylittletable"

hbase> # To add a row whose id is "x", to the column "mylittlecolumnfamily:x" with a value of 'x', do

hbase> put "mylittletable", "x"

hbase> # To get the cell just added, do

hbase> get "mylittletable", "x"

hbase> # To scan you new table, do

hbase> scan "mylittletable"

停止 hbase



    • HBase servers put up 10 listeners for incoming connections by default. Up this number if you have a dataset of any substance by setting hbase.regionserver.handler.count in your hbase-site.xml.

    • Hosts must be able to resolve the fully-qualified domain name of the master.

Bug Fix

問題解決頁面: http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/Hbase/Troubleshooting
