Welcome to Waterloo Masters Open Club - Thursdays at 12:30 on BBO ($5.00 game fee)

Host: Ramesh Shah, 319-230-9800, shah0827@gmail.com

Click here to register within 2 hours of game start time


Happy Birthday

Waterloo Regional Tourney - June 12-15. 

2022 Regional pictures

TIPS about playing on BBO:

Playing in Virtual Club game

Tutorials: Please look at these videos to learn about BBO: https://www.sagamorebridgeclub.com/help-everything-bbo

Game Results: To see the game scores, click on the SCORES link under the group picture on top of this page.

BB$: You will need to purchase BB$ online. Game is set at $4 per session. There is a 30% surcharge if you purchase BB$ by APP (Must use browser to avoid this surcharge).

Conv Card: You will be required to enter your Convention Card, else you will default to SAYC (standard American yellow card). I will send you a copy of SAYC. Make sure to enter your partner's screen name in partner field.

Register for the game: The game will be visible 2 hours before the start of the game, where you can register yourself and a partner. If you don't have a partner, there will be others like you and pick from available players. 

Always a good idea to TURN ON confirm bids and plays (account, settings). Do not use autoplay singletons.

I am attaching the list of people who have indicated interest in playing on BBO and their screen names are listed in the attachment. You should add them as friends on BBO, so you know when they are online.


BBO help getting started


1.     BBO tutorials on ACBL: https://www.acbl.org/bbotutorials/

2.     Logging on to BBO: Go to  https://www.bridgebase.com/

3.     Click on the Login / Register button on the far right side Click on the Become a member button Fill in all the slots.  Give yourself a clever Username (that you will remember) I recommend to check the Remember me box. You will get a confirmation email from BBO.  You must click the blue CONFIRM box to be able to log in.

4.     Settings: Go to accounts on right side, then settings on top. Make sure to turn on "Confirm bids", "Confirm play" and "Auto play signletons"

5.     Add friends.  As you get lists of other friends playing on BBO, you want to add them to your Friends so you can see when they are on line. Find Friends....add the username and click add.  you can show all of your friends by moving the button to the right.  I usually show those on line. Once your friends are online, you can chat with them.

6.     Learn to use the CHAT box so you can talk to those at your table, to your opponents, or to your kibizters.  If you see a friend on line, you may click on their username and you can send them a message.

7.     On the home page go to Play or Watch Bridge  Solitaire (Play for Free).  I recommend you play many, many solitaire games just to acclimate yourself to online bridge.  Take time to look at the hand, and see how you did with the bidding and play.  Click on continue when ready.

8.     Casual - Take me to the first seat available (this is also free).  You jump into a game.  Realize that some players may be rude.  If you are going to leave, always be courteous and tell the table thanks, but you are leaving....courtesy..To leave any game click on your name in the game, and it will ask you if you wish to leave.

9.     Start a Table.  This is where you can start a table with three other of your friends.  

a.      First click on casual, 

b.     then start a table, 

c.      set your privacy options (turnoff kibitzers, and require permission to play),

d.     then click on "Start table - Relaxed game", or competitive game

e.      Click on South and sit yourself in south

f.       click on north and click reserve and add screen name of your partner,

g.     do the same for east and west players

h.     game will start as soon as all four players are in.

i.       If one of the player drops-off due to computer problem, you will need to quickly invite them again, else others will start asking permission to join. 

10.   Play: Player with name highlighted in yellow has turn to bid or play. If you want to change your bid or play, click on 3 bars on top left of table layout and you may get option to change, if your LHO has not taken action.

11.   Tournaments: When you have a partner with whom you want to earn tournament mps with, you need to purchase BBO$ and make out a convention card.  


Ron Johnston has offered to stay for 30-60 minutes after Thursday games to answer questions about the hands played. 


Few pointers and comments: (Work in progress)

1) The game at Waterloo Center for Arts starts at 12:30 PM and I request everyone to be there by 12:15, so you can help deal the cards, have time to review your convention card and socialize a little. The game fee is $5 which I collect after everyone is seated.

2) We celebrate player's birthdays with a free play and cake. I do not have birth dates of many new players. I do not need the birth year - just day and month.

3) I do want to emphasize that my primary goal is to maintain a FRIENDLY CLUB atmosphere. There is no tolerance for any hostile behavior. I use a 4 step disciplinary process - verbal, written 1, 2 and out on 3rd. Please call for director if in doubt (do not take it up on your own).

4) Convention Card: Please have a convention card ready at the table. You should review the CARD with your partner before the game. Once at the table, the card is only for opponents to see. Often it is better to look at opponents card rather than asking for clarification. You may, unintentionally, help them clarify by asking.

5) Timer: ACBL recommends 7 minutes of play time per board. While it is highly recommended that you greet the opponents and have a short friendly chat, keep the clock in your mind and keep the game moving within time limit. Please place the boards upside down on extra chair as they are played. Next table can take these boards, if you are running little behind, without disrupting your play.

6) North's responsibilities: North is captain for the Round and should ensure the following:

a) Correct pair is at the table,

b) Board numbers, direction and sequence verified

c) Travelers filled corrected and signed by E/W. Fill the contract, scores and E/W pair number filled out on CORRECT line. Incomplete information may result in errors.

7) Analysis of the hand just played: We all do it. Keep it very short and be very Courteous. Better to wait until the round is complete and away from table.

8) Body gestures: When your partner bids or makes a play that you do not like, Please DO NOT make any gestures to express the feeling.

9) Partnerships: I usually send out two emails in a week (sometimes three) for partnerships. Most of you are diligent about scheduling your own partnerships on a monthly schedule. However when I send out email: 

i) If your name is not highlighted and that is correct, you do not need to respond.

ii) If your name is marked in yellow, I would like your response to who you plan to play with or if you need a partner OR you are not available to play.

iii) If your name is marked in pink: You do not need to respond unless you decide to change your mind.

10) Few hints to avoid director calls (take your time, look, think, steady tempo). Most of these are simple and easy and can avoid costly penalties.

a) Time to call the director: If any irregularity happens, please call the director immediately. It may feel like you are calling a cop on their friend, but it is much easier to resolve the issue before it is too late to determine. Directors in our club are unpaid volunteers and will do their best to resolve the matters. Please respect their decision and thank them. 

b) Don't call director on your partner. If your partner misunderstood your bid, you may explain at the end of bidding but do not call director until all bids are over.

c) Out of turn opening leads: ALWAYS put the card face down and ask your partner, if he/she has any questions. Hopefully someone will catch the out of turn lead.

d) Out of turn BIDS: Please slow down and look at the board to see who the dealer is. While you look at the board, it is a good idea to see who is vulnerable.

e) Fumbling with the bidding box: Take your time before you reach for the bidding box.

f) Maintain a steady tempo in bidding: Bidding too fast or too slow may give unintended information to partner and may be the opponents.

g) Alerts bids: You must announce your alerts when appropriate. Once you alert the bid, don't explain any further unless asked.

h) You should NOT announce normal bids (unless asked) - e.g. weak two bids, ....

i) Asking for explanation: You have right to ask (at your turn to bid) the bidder's partner for explanation of the bid. Ask ONLY if you must need a clarification. Else you might be helping them.

j) Renege (Revoke): If your partner does not follow suit, please ask the partner if out of the suit. Can result in costly penalties.

k) Demeanor at the table: Always maintain a friendly atmosphere. Do not argue with your partner or give advice to the opponents. And most important - DO NOT BRAG about a great performance. And be generous about complementing the opponents for a good bid and/or play. Just don't over do it.

l) Count your cards before you look at the cards. Much easier to resolve missing card or extra card if you count before you look. Also it is a good habit to count cards before you put them back in the board.

m) Psych Bids: Please do not deviate much from your convention card. Repeated offenses may result in penalty.

n) Skip Bids: The STOP CARDS have been removed from bidding boxes. You should make the skip bids just same as normal bids. However, the left hand opponent is required to wait 5-7 seconds after a skip bid has been made, before making a bid.

o) Alerts: If your partner gives wrong explanation about your bid, when asked, it is your duty to explain only after the bidding is over if your pair is declarer. If your pair is defending then explain after the play is over. Also, keep in mind that you SHOULD NOT alert bids that are not required to be alerted. You may be giving your partner extra information.