Enriching Lives

The Ladies Aid

All women of the congregation (You need not be a member of the church) are welcome to this group that meet monthly (excluding June). Most meetings begin with a Pot Luck Supper. Please join us when you can. Meetings are always on the second Wednesday of the month except December when they meet on the third Wednesday. Meetings are announced at the worship service the Sunday before the scheduled meeting. This group does fund raisers throughout the year that provide many services for the church; a pledge of $1,000 to the church’s current expenses; pay for the cleaning items and all paper products; provides coffee for all events. This group also sends Christmas Gifts Boxes & Valentine flowers to our shut-ins and cards for all occasions to members that are out of our area. The Upper Room daily devotional magazines on the back rail are for all who want a copy. These are also provided by the Ladies Aide.

O.U.R HOUSE (One United Response)

The Goodie box is up front and ready to be filled and delivered. If you want to contribute and don't have time to purchase anything see Ginnie Martin after church on Sundays.

Local Food Shelf

The church continues to collect donations to out local food shelf.

Several Missions

The congregation participates in many missions throughout the year, providing funds, items, and a helping hand.