
Warsaw Economic Seminars (WES) are organized jointly by:

  • Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) and

  • Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw (WNE UW).

Aim of WES is to provide a platform for exchanging research work and ideas, both completed as well as work in progress.

Talks are given by junior as well as senior researchers, both from Poland as well as from abroad.

WES consists of two parts divided according to the research focus and location of the talks:


Focus: economic theory, including games, decisions, equilibrium, designing mechanisms as well as experiments.

Location: SGH.

Contact: lukasz.wozny@sgh.waw.pl, michal.lewandowski@sgh.waw.pl.


Focus: applied economics.

Location: WNE UW.

Contact: jlewkowicz@wne.uw.edu.pl, o.zajkowska@uw.edu.pl

The talks are given once a week, alternating between the two above locations/research threads.

We invite original submissions, in particular those within the research areas listed above.

We also encourage everyone interested to participate in our seminars and ask questions!