(Past Seminars Arxiv) for KANTs - 

KAIST Number Theory seminar


2022 Autumn Semester

KAIX Invited Lectures (Offline seminar)

Talk 1

Date & Time: 8th Nov (Tuesday) 16:00 -- 17:30 in Korean Standard Time (UTC+09:00) 

Some partial progress was made towards this conjecture over the years by Buzzard-Gee (slope 1/2), Bhattacharya-G-Rozensztajn (slope 1) and G-Rai (slope 3/2).

In this talk I shall use work of Breuil-Mézard and Guerberoff-Park in the semi-stable case and a limiting argument connecting crystalline and semi-stable representations due to Chitrao-G-Yasuda to show that zig-zag holds for half-integal slopes bounded by (p-1)/2, at least on the inertia subgroup, if the weight is sufficiently close to a weight bounded by p+1.

Talk 2

In this talk, based on joint work with Kumar, we provide conditions on f - the main one being that the weight of f is close to 0 - which guarantee that the slope of a modular form g giving rise to the twist of $\bar\rho_f$ by the cyclotomic character has slope one more than the slope of f.

This provides a global explanation of some local patterns mentioned in our first talk. The proof uses the theta operator and Coleman-Hida families of overconvergent forms.

23rd Nov (Wednesday) 17:00 -- 18:00 in Korean Standard Time (UTC+09:00)


2021 Autumn Semester

27th Sep (Monday) 16:15 -- 17:15 in Korean Standard Time (UTC+09:00)

6th Oct (Wednesday) 16:15 -- 17:15 in Korean Standard Time (UTC+09:00)

27th Oct (Wednesday) 16:15 -- 17:15 in Korean Standard Time (UTC+09:00)

Note: The series of talks listed below is a part of KAIX Distinguished Lectures.

Talk 1 (Department Colloquium) 

Talk 2 (Number Theory Seminar) 

In this talk we discuss arithmetically equivalent pairs where the fields are quadratic. They give rise to dihedral automorphic forms induced from characters of different quadratic fields. We characterize when a given pair is arithmetically equivalent to another pair, explicitly construct such pairs for infinitely many quadratic extensions with odd class number, and classify such characters of order 2.

This is a joint work with Zeev Rudnick.

11th Nov (Thursday) 16:15 -- 17:15 in Korean Standard Time (UTC+09:00)

17th Nov (Wednesday) 16:15 -- 17:15 in Korean Standard Time (UTC+09:00)

24th Nov (Wednesday) 16:15 -- 17:15 in Korean Standard Time (UTC+09:00)

8th Dec (Wednesday) 16:15 -- 17:15 in Korean Standard Time (UTC+09:00)

15th Dec (Wednesday)