
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), a member of the Mathematics of Information, Learning and Data (MILD) research cluster, and a faculty member of the Institute of Applied Mathematics at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Before joining UBC, I was an NSF Center for Science of Information postdoctoral fellow, 2017-2019. From 2015-2017, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University and Tel Aviv University. I obtained a PhD degree at the University of California San Diego in 2015. I attended the Academic Talent Program and obtained a B.E. degree at Tsinghua University, China in 2009.

My current research focuses on the information-theoretic approach to data science and machine learning. Several recent works in this direction include universal compression of graphical data, coding theoretical approach to distributed machine learning, statistical inference on graphs, noisy computing problems, group testing for controlling COVID-19 outbreaks, etc. More broadly, I am interested in developing and applying tools in information theory, coding theory, high dimensional statistics, combinatorics and random graphs, and deep generative models for emerging practical challenges in the era of big data.

Curriculum Vitae

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Kaiser 4112, ECE, UBC

4112-2332 Main Mall

Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4





PhD students

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Last updated: July 2024