
My first day at ANU, Canberra, Australia (July 2014)

ANU creek

ANU ducks

Lake Burley Griffin

Lake Burley Griffin

Black swan parents and baby swans

Running around Lake Burley Griffin

Running with a kangaroo

Sydney Opera House (Aug. 2015)

University of California, San Diego, CA, USA (Dec. 2015)

Globecom'15, San Diego, CA, USA (Dec. 2015)

View from Chow Yei Ching Building, University of Hong Kong, HK (Feb. 2016)

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

德記潮州菜館 with Prof. Huang and group members

Prof. Bruno Clerckx's visit

Group hiking (with Prof. Kaibin Huang and Prof. Vincent Lau)

Photo by Dongzhu Liu (May 2, 2016)

Victoria Harbour with Dongzhu

Farewell (May 4, 2016)

Communications Group, RSISE Building, ANU (May 2016)

Photo by Lynz

Group lunch at PappaRich, Canberra (7 Nov. 2016).

First time to present a poster. AusCTW17, Canberra (19 Jan. 2017)

Photo by Yirui

At Batemans Bay, NSW (29 Jan. 2017)

Thunderstorm is nearby.

(Feb. 2017 Canberra)

Thunderstorm is gone with footprint left.

Double rainbow. (Apr. 2017)

Last day at ANU as a PhD student (7 July 2017)

First day at University of Sydney (10 July 2017)

At AusCTW2018, Newcastle, NSW (01 Feb. 2018)

Let's work on some real-world control problems! (Mar. 2020)