Wallace Casaca

PhD, Professor of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics

He received his Bachelor's degree in Pure and Applied Mathematics and Master of Mathematics degree from UNESP - São Paulo State University in 2008 and 2010. During 2010-2014, he pursued his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at ICMC USP - University of São Paulo (advisiors: Luis Gustavo Nonato and Gabriel Taubin). As part of his doctoral studies, in 2013, he worked as a visiting researcher at Brown University and MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology. From 2015 to 2016, he conducted research as a postdoctoral scholar at the Visual and Geometry Processing Group (USP/ICMC, Brazil). His Ph.D. work has been awarded and recognized by several scientific organizations, including CLEI (Latin American Informatics and Computer Science Society), SBC (Brazilian Computer Society), SBMAC (Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics), University of São Paulo (USP Outstanding Thesis Award) and CAPES (Federal Agency for Support Graduate Education). He participated in more than 80 scientific conferences and he has served as a referee, technical member and associate editor of several international conferences and high-profile journals, including IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TIP, IEEE TBD and Pattern Recognition. He was invited to join interdisciplinary scientific committees, such as Annual Academic Reputation Survey (The Times Higher Education - World University Ranking, organized by Thomson Reuters), Brazilian Applied Mathematics committee and Computer Science societies. He is presently working as a full professor of Computer Science (Computational Intelligence), Engineering and Mathematics at UNESP - São Paulo State University. He is a member of the Mathematics and Computer Science Graduate Program (Master and Doctoral Advisor) at FCT UNESP - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, and a research associate at the CEPID-FAPESP ICMC/USP - Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry (CeMEAI). He is the general coordinator of the project SP Covid-19 Info Tracker, an online platform created for monitoring, assessing and forecasting the Covid-19 in Brazil. His research interests include data science, computer vision, computational intelligence, mathematical epidemiology, data visualization, optimization, remote sening, energy engineering applications, partial differential equations and numerial methods.

Acesso à plataforma online Covid-19 Info Tracker: www.spcovid.net.br


  • E-mail: wallace.coc@gmail.com, wallace.casaca@unesp.br

  • Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Campus de Rosana, e CeMEAI-USP CEPID-FAPESP São Carlos.

  • Grupo de pesquisa VISER (Visualization, Image and Smart Energy Research Group): www.viser.com.br

Honors and Awards

  • 2017: 3rd Place - Best Paper Award Competition in Pecora 20 - Observing a changing Earth (organized by JPL NASA and ARS).

  • 2016: PhD thesis awarded (1st Place) in "USP Outstanding Thesis Award (Prêmio USP Tese Destaque)" (Prize: $3.000 USD).

  • 2016: PhD thesis awarded (1st Place) in "Prêmio SBMAC de Teses "Odelar Leite Linhares" (XXXVI CNMAC)", Gramado, Brazil, Set/2016.

  • 2015: PhD thesis awarded (Honorable mention): Prêmio CAPES de Tese 2015, Brasília, Brasil, Dec/2015.

  • 2015: PhD thesis awarded (1st Place) in "Concurso Latinoamericano de Tesis de Doctorado (CLEI )", Arequipa Peru, Oct/2015 (Prize: $1.500 USD).

  • 2015: Best PhD thesis in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, University of São Paulo, ICMC, São Carlos, Brazil.

  • 2015: Biography published in "32nd Marquis Who's Who in this World" -- biography source covering notable people throughout the world.

  • 2014: Invited Chair: Annual Academic Reputation Survey "The World University Rankings", organized by Thomson Reuters.

  • 2014: Special TV report - Rede Globo - about the work "Laplacian Coordinates for Seeded Image Segmentation, IEEE CVPR 2014".

  • 2014: Highlights on TV channels, newspapers, and internet (usp.br, Agência FAPESP, Portal K3, G1 Globo, Guia Ciências, aulp.org, Voxquo Lisboa).

  • 2013: Best Paper Award in Graphics and Visualization for the paper "Mixed integer optimization for layout arrangement", 26th SIBGRAPI.

  • 2011: Best Paper Award in Computer Vision for the work "Spectral segmentation using cartoon-texture decomp. and inner product-based metric", 24th SIBGRAPI.


  • Mathematics Genealogy Project: Euler => Lagrange => Poisson => .. Hubert Anson .. => Jacob Palis => Gustavo Nonato => Wallace Casaca

  • Erdős number: 4 Paul Erdos => Alan J. Hoffman ==> Gene Howard Golub ==> José Alberto Cuminato ==> Wallace Casaca