Projects & Softwares


LIONS aims at developing Large-scale Integrative approaches to unravel the complex relationships between differentiatiON and tumorigenesiS in bladder cancer. It is a 36-month project funded by INSERM and the French National Cancer Institute (INCa) through the "Cancer Plan 2014-2019" framework and it brings together five research teams from France and the UK. For more details see


An open-set multi-class classification method. Existing classification methods are designed to classify unknown instances within a set of previously known training classes. In open-set classification, the classifier may be confronted, during prediction, to observations that do not belong to any of the classes seen in training.


PROTNN is a function prediction approach for protein 3D-structures. PROTNN assigns to a query protein the function with the highest number of votes across the set of k nearest neighbor reference proteins based on a graph representation model and a pairwise similarity between vector embedding of both the query and the reference protein-graphs in structural and topological spaces.


An online repository of graphs representing all known protein 3D-structures. It aims at providing bioinformatics tools that facilitate the integration of graph theory techniques in the core of protein 3D-structure studies.


It is a feature selection approach for subgraphs. It selects a subset of representative subgraphs (called unsubstituted) from a given set of subgraphs based on label similarity defined in the domain knowledge.


Feature selection approach for subgraphs. It selects a small subset of topological representative subgraphs from a large set of subgraphs based on an embedding of subgraphs using a set of topological descriptors.

  • source: coming soon


It is used to extract common substructures with an ant-like-shape (called ant-motifs) from a set of traceable graphs i.e., graphs having Hamiltonian path (eg, graphs of protein structures).