Annes competition ride - we have been just supporters

Welcome  to our Radl Tour!

 July 17th 2011


racer: Anne, age 30

Heide, gardener, age 48

Iris, age 66,


A competition ride throughout the best part of the Danube valley (Wachau/Austria)


Review of the bike Tour

The author of this review: Iris from Austria - now retired

best weather conditions made us a wonderful ride...

Heide and me (Iris) have been just the supporters of Anne.

Anne made the complete tour, whilst Heide and Iris have been waiting at Melk in order to pull Anne until to the finish at Mautern. We all did a good job: the very last 40 kilometers, we have been facing strong front wind, but made it with an average speed of more then 30 kilometers per hour.

La Pista:

Enjoy the pictures below

2 guys in the bike jersey of our favorite bicycle shop...

Professional pictures (purchased from Sportfotograph)

In order to compare her results with our friend Max, an athletic male:
