Become a Ham

What is Amateur Radio

Amateur radio also known as “Ham radio” covers a wide range of people and interests.  There is no age limit for a license so there are young operators to experienced senior operators.  People in all walks of life are active in radio:  Celebrities, business people, professionals, students, politicians, and any other field you can think of are represented.  The types of radio communications they use are just as varied:  Long-distance and international contacts, local communications and emergency support, television, amateur satellite and space station links, digital (computer based) communications over radio are a few examples of the different modes available to amateurs.

There is more to amateur radio than turning on a radio and talking; these are not mobile phones.  Most operators start out with local voice communications and work up to long distance voice, Morse code, or digital modes.  Knowledge and use of Morse code is no longer required for a license but is still a popular mode.  There is a level of knowledge and skill that is required to operate a radio.  There is an “art” to making radio contacts.

Help in becoming a FCC licensed Amateur Radio Operator

The Bay Area Educational Amateur Radio Society "BAEARS" offers a great support in becoming licensed. Please visit the BAEARS.COM website to learn more.

Local Amateur Radio Testing:

Bay Area Educational Amateur Radio Society -

Silicone Valley VE Group -

Sunnyvale VEC - 

The National Association for Amateur Radio

The ARRL is the largest and world renowned organization for all aspects of Amateur Radio. Please visit the ARRL Licensing - Education - Training site to learn more.