
Photo from NASA/JPL-Caltech of Jupiter taken by Voyager 1 with Io and Europa.

For solving #linkrot 404 not found error:

 A site container registration to build stable interdomain web links by using ContainerID + ResourceID for solving #linkrot. The directory domain w3-uid.net stores only the URL of the site container which will be concatenated with the local relative resource path on request. Beside solving link rot it provides world wide random access of data points without maintaining URLs manually.

As an example, if instead of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link_rot the URL w3-uid.net/w3-1421577822238-uid-wiki-en/Link_rot

is used, then the wiki link rot address is stable because the wiki ContainerID entry hosted by w3-uid.net

w3-1421577822238-uid-wiki-en: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ can be adjusted on domain or site path change.

Thus the W3Link  http://w3-uid.net/w3-1421577822238-uid-wiki-en/Link_rot 

is a stable link, assuming Link_rot is a ResourceID inside wikipedia en.

But a more searchable ResourceID would be: w3-1460634152803-uid-wiki-en-link-rot or w3-1460634152803-uid-wiki-link-rot

if it is the same ID in the container of other languages.