Book Chapters
Kien-Giang Nguyen, Quang-Doanh Vu, Le-Nam Tran, Markku Juntti, "Energy-efficient methods for cloud radio access networks," in Green Communications for Energy-Efficient Wireless Systems and Networks, edited by Himal A. Suraweera, Jing Yang, Alessio Zappone, John Thompson, IET 2020.
Quang-Doanh Vu, Markku Juntti, Een-Kee Hong, and Le-Nam Tran, "Energy Efficiency Optimization for Dense Networks," Chapter 8 in the book "Ultra-Dense Networks for 5G and beyond: Modelling, Analysis and Design," Wiley Publisher 2018, Editor: T. Q. Duong, H. A. Suraweera, and X. Chu.
Quang-Doanh Vu, Le-Nam Tran, and Markku Juntti, "On Spectral Efficiency for Multiuser MISO Systems under Imperfect Channel Information," IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 70. no. 2, pp. 1946-1951, Feb. 2021. [pdf] [matlab]
Quang-Doanh Vu, Le-Nam Tran, and Markku Juntti, "Noncoherent Joint Transmission Beamforming for Dense Small Cell Networks: Global Optimality, Efficient Solution and Distributed Implementation," IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 5891-5907, Sep. 2020. [pdf]
Nam-Tran Le, Le-Nam Tran, Quang-Doanh Vu, and Dhammika Jayalath, "Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for OFDMA Heterogeneous Networks," IEEE Trans. Communications, vol. 67, No. 10, pp. 7043-7057, Oct. 2019. [pdf]
Kien-Giang Nguyen, Quang-Doanh Vu, Le-Nam Tran, and Markku Juntti, "Energy Efficiency Fairness for Multi-Pair Wireless-Powered Relaying System," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 357-373, Feb. 2019. [pdf] [matlab]
Binh Van Nguyen, Quang-Doanh Vu, and Kiseon Kim, "Analysis and Optimization for Weighted Sum Rate in Energy Harvesting Cooperative NOMA Systems," IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, No. 12, pp. 12379-12383, Dec. 2018. [pdf]
Kien-Giang Nguyen, Quang-Doanh Vu, Markku Juntti, and Le-Nam Tran, "Energy Efficiency Maximization for C-RANs: Discrete Monotonic Optimization, Penalty, and â„“0-Approximation Methods," IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 66, No. 17, pp. 4435-4449, Sept. 2018. [pdf] [matlab]
Kien-Giang Nguyen, Oskari Tervo, Quang-Doanh Vu, Le-Nam Tran, and Markku Juntti, "Energy-Efficient Transmission Strategies for CoMP Downlink - Overview, Extension, and Numerical Comparison," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 18 pages, Aug. 2018. [Open Access]
Quang-Doanh Vu, Kien-Giang Nguyen, and Markku Juntti, "Weighted Max-Min Fairness for C-RAN Multicasting under Limited Fronthaul Constraints," IEEE Trans. Communications, vol. 66, No. 4, pp. 1534-1548, April 2018. [pdf]
Kien-Giang Nguyen, Quang-Doanh Vu, Markku Juntti, and Le-Nam Tran, "Distributed Solutions for Energy Efficiency Fairness in Multicell MISO Downlink," IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, vol. 16, No. 9, pp. 6232-6247, Sept. 2017. [pdf] [matlab]
Quang-Doanh Vu, Le-Nam Tran, Ronan Farrell, and Een-Kee Hong, "Energy-Efficient Zero-Forcing Precoding Design for Small-cell Neworks," IEEE Trans. Communications, vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 790-804, Feb. 2016. [pdf] [matlab]
Quang-Doanh Vu, Le-Nam Tran, Ronan Farrell, and Een-Kee Hong, "An Efficiency Maximization Design for SWIPT," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 22, No. 12, pp. 2189-2193, Dec. 2015. [pdf]
Kien-Giang Nguyen, Le-Nam Tran, Oskari Tervo, Quang-Doanh Vu, and Markku Juntti, "Achieving Energy Efficiency Fairness in Multicell MISO Downlink," IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 19, no. 8, pp 1426-1429, August 2015. [pdf]
Quang-Doanh Vu, Le-Nam Tran, Markku Juntti, and Een-Kee Hong, "Energy-Efficient Bandwidth and Power Allocation for Multi-homing Networks," IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 7, pp. 1684-1699, Apr. 2015. [pdf] [matlab]
Thang Van Nguyen, Quang-Doanh Vu, Markku Juntti, and Le-Nam Tran, "A Low-Complexity Algorithm for Achieving Secrecy Capacity in MIMO Wiretap Channels", IEEE ICC, June 2020. [pdf]
Kien-Giang Nguyen, Quang-Doanh Vu, Le-Nam Tran, and Markku Juntti, "Energy-Efficient Bit Allocation for Resolution-Adaptive ADC in Multiuser Large-Scale MIMO Systems: Global Optimality", in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, May 2020. [pdf]
Kien-Giang Nguyen, Quang-Doanh Vu, Le-Nam Tran, and Markku Juntti, "Efficient Algorithms for Sum Rate Maximization in Fronthaul-Constrained C-RANs", International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Oulu, August 2019. [pdf]
Quang-Doanh Vu, Le-Nam Tran, and Markku Juntti, "Distributed Noncoherent Transmit Beamforming for Dense Small Cell Networks", in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, May 2019. [pdf]
Kien-Giang Nguyen, Quang-Doanh Vu, Le-Nam Tran, and Markku Juntti, "Globally Optimal Energy Efficiency Maximization for Capacity-Limited Fronthaul CRANs with Dynamic Power Amplifiers' Efficiency", in Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2018. [pdf]
Kien-Giang Nguyen, Oskari Tervo, Quang-Doanh Vu, Markku Juntti, and Le-Nam Tran, "Energy-Efficient Transmission Strategies for Multiantenna Downlink", in Proc. European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), Oulu, June 2017. [pdf]
Kien-Giang Nguyen, Quang-Doanh Vu, Markku Juntti, and Le-Nam Tran, "Energy Efficient Precoding C-RAN Downlink with Compression at Fronthaul", in Proc. IEEE ICC, May 2017. [pdf]
Kien-Giang Nguyen, Quang-Doanh Vu, Markku Juntti, and Le-Nam Tran, "Globally Optimal Beamforming Design for Downlink COMP Transmission with Limited Backhaul Capacity", in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, March 2017. [pdf]
Quang-Doanh Vu, Kien-Giang Nguyen, and Markku Juntti,"Max-min Fairness for Multicast Multigroup Multicell Transmission under Backhaul Constraints", in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Dec. 2016. [pdf]
Kien-Giang Nguyen, Le-Nam Tran, Quang-Doanh Vu, and Markku Juntti, "Distributed Energy Efficiency Fairness Optimization by ADMM in Multicell MISO Downlink", in Proc. IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, 2016. [pdf]
Quang-Doanh Vu, Le-Nam Tran, Markku Juntti, and Een-Kee Hong, "Optimal Energy Efficient Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Multi-homing Networks", in Proc. IEEE VTC-Spring, 2014.
Quang-Doanh Vu, and Een-Kee Hong, " An Improved Coded Cooperation Scheme Using Hierarchical Modulation", in Proc. Int. Conf. ICT Convergence (ICTC), 2012.
PhD Dissertation
"Energy-Efficient Transmission Designs for Wireless Communication Networks," PhD dissertation, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, August 2015. [pdf]