Publications 2019

Vuong QH, Ho MT, Nguyen HKT, Nguyen MH. (2019). The trilemma of sustainable industrial growth: Evidence from a piloting OECD’s Green city. Palgrave Communications 5: 156; DOI: 10.1057/s41599-019-0369-8; URL:

(ISI WOS)(2019 CiteScore 2.0)(SCImago h-Index 13)(stored pdf)(Google Scholar)(City of Kitakyushu)

Vuong QH, Napier NK, Ho TM, Nguyen VH, Vuong TT, Pham HH, & Nguyen HKT. (2019). Effects of work environment and collaboration on research productivity in Vietnamese social sciences: evidence from 2008 to 2017 Scopus data. Studies in Higher Education 44(12), 2132-2147. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2018.1479845.

(2019 IF 3.000 Q1)(2019 CiteScore 5.9)(SCImago h-Index 97)(pdf)(Google Scholar)

Le THT, Pham HH, La VP, Vuong QH. (2019). The faster-growing fields. In: Vuong QH, Tran T. (Eds.) The Vietnamese Social Sciences at a Fork in the Road (pp. 52-79). Warsaw, Poland: De Gruyter. DOI: 10.2478/9783110686081-008.

[Chapter 3][ISBN: 978-3-11-068608-1](ISI WOS)

Nguyen HKT, Nguyen THT, Ho MT, Ho MT, Vuong QH. (2019). Scientific publishing: the point of no return. In: Vuong QH, Tran T. (Eds.) The Vietnamese Social Sciences at a Fork in the Road (pp. 143-162). Warsaw, Poland: De Gruyter. DOI: 10.2478/9783110686081-012

[Chapter 7][ISBN: 978-3-11-068608-1](ISI WOS)

Vuong QH, Tran T. (2019). Closing remarks. In: Vuong QH, Tran T. (Eds.) The Vietnamese Social Sciences at a Fork in the Road (pp. 178-180). Warsaw, Poland: De Gruyter. DOI: 10.2478/9783110686081-014.

[Closing][ISBN: 978-3-11-068608-1](ISI WOS)

Le TTH, Tran T, Trinh TPT, Nguyen CT, Nguyen TPT, Vuong TT, Vu TH, Bui DQ, Vuong HM, Hoang PH, Nguyen MH, Ho MT, Vuong QH. (2019). Reading habits, socioeconomic conditions, occupational aspiration and academic achievement in Vietnamese junior high school students. Sustainability 11(18), 5113;

(2019 IF 2.576)(2019 CiteScore 3.2)(SCImago H-Index 68 | Q2]

Le TA, Pham DTT, Quek TTC, Vu GT, Hoang CL, Tran TT, Nguyen CT, Tran NHT, Vuong QH, Tran TH, Tran BX, Latkin CA, Ho CSH, Ho RCM. (2019). Polysubstance Use among Patients Enrolling in Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program in a Vietnam Province with Drug-driven HIV Epidemic. Int. J. of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(18), 3277;

(2019 IF 2.849)(2019 SCImago h-Index 92)(2019 CiteScore 3.0)

Vuong QH, Bui QK, La VP, Vuong TT, Ho TM, Nguyen HKT, Nguyen NH, Nghiem PKC, Ho MT. (2019). Cultural evolution in Vietnam’s early 20th century: a Bayesian networks analysis of Hanoi Franco-Chinese house designs. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 1(1), 100001; doi: 10.1016/j.ssaho.2019.100001.

[Scopus][Final publication pdf][Elsevier's tracking][SocArXiv][Google][Proofs][Cites]

Vuong TT, Semerák V, Vuong QH. (2019). The Vietnamese Economy at the Crossroads. In: R. Macdonald (Ed.). Southeast Asia and the ASEAN Economic Community (pp. 91-143). Québec, Canada: Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-19722-3_3.

(Scopus-indexed)(Palgrave)(Amazon)(Google Book)(pdf file)(ISI WOS)

Vương QH. (2019). Hội đồng Lý luận Trung ương: Nghiên cứu - Trao đổi. Về vai trò của nghiên cứu trong giáo dục Việt Nam thời đại 4.0. Trang Thông tin điện tử HĐLLTW; phát hành ngày 28-8-2019. URL:


Tran T, Le TTH, Nguyen TT, Pham AG, Vu TH, Nguyen MH, Vuong HM, Hoang PH, Vuong TT, Ho MT, Vuong QH. (2019). The relationship between birth order, sex, home scholarly culture and youths’ reading practices in promoting lifelong learning for sustainable development in Vietnam. Sustainability, 11(16), 4389; DOI: 10.3390/su11164389.

(2019 IF 2.576 Q2)(2019 CiteScore 3.2)(2019 SCImago H-Index 68)[Google Metrics]

Tran BX, Fleming M, Nguyen TMT, Vu GT, Vuong QH, Ho MT, Dam NV, Vuong TT, Do HN, Doan LP, Latkin C, Ho CSH, Ho RCM. (2019). Changes in Substance Abuse and HIV Risk Behaviors over 12-Month Methadone Maintenance Treatment among Vietnamese Patients in Mountainous Provinces. Int. J. of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(13), 2422. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16132422.

(2019 IF 2.849)(SCImago H-Index 92 | CiteScore 3.0 | Q1)

Ho HH, Vu TH, Dao NT, Ho MT, Vuong QH. (2019) When the poor buy the rich: The new evidence on wealth effects of cross-border acquisitions. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 12(2):102.


Le AV, Do DL, Pham DQ, Hoang PH, Duong TH, Nguyen HN, Vuong TT, Nguyen HKT, Ho MT, La VP, Vuong QH. (2019). Exploration of youth’s digital competencies: a dataset in the educational context of Vietnam. Data 4(2): 69;

[ISI WOS](2019 CiteScore 2.1)(2019 SCImago h-Index 11 / Q2)

Tran BX, Vu GT, Pham KTH, Vuong QH, Ho MT, Vuong TT, Nguyen HKT, Nguyen CT, Latkin CA, Ho CSH, Ho RCM. (2019). Depressive symptoms among industrial workers in Vietnam and correlated factors: a multi-site survey. Int. J. of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(9): 1642. DOI:

(2019 IF 2.849)(2019 CiteScore 3.0 | SCImago H-Index 92 | Q1)

Ho MT, La VP, Nguyen MH, Vuong TT, Nghiem KCP, Tran T, Nguyen HKT, Vuong QH. (2019). Health care, medical insurance, and economic destitution: A dataset of 1,042 stories. Data 4(2): 57; DOI:

[ISI WOS](2019 CiteScore 2.1)(2019 SCImago h-Index 11 | Q2)

Pham KTH, Nguyen LH, Vuong QH, Ho MT, Vuong TT, Nguyen HKT, Vu GT, Nguyen HLT, Tran BX, Latkin CA, Ho CSH, Ho RCM, (2019). Health Inequality between Migrant and Non-Migrant Workers in an Industrial Zone of Vietnam. Int. J. of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(9): 1502; DOI:

(2019 IF 2.849)(2019 CiteScore 3.0 / SCImago H-Index 92 / Q1)

Vuong QH, Le AV, La VP, Vuong TT, Do TH, Vuong HM, Do DL, Hoang PH, Vu TH, Ho MT, Ho MT. (2019). A Dataset of Vietnamese Junior High School Students’ Reading Preferences and Habits. Data 4(2), 49. DOI:

[ISI WOS](2019 CiteScore 2.1)(2019 SCImago H-Index 11 | Q2)

La VP, Vuong QH. (2019). bayesvl: Visually Learning the Graphical Structure of Bayesian Networks and Performing MCMC with 'Stan'. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).; version 0.8.5 (officially published on May 24, 2019).

[Google Scholar][R Documentation] [Google]

Tran BX, Ha GH, Vu GT, Vuong QH, Ho MT, Vuong TT, La VP, Ho TM, Nghiem PKC, Nguyen HLT, Latkin CA, Tam WWS, Cheung NM, Nguyen HKT, Ho CSH, Ho RCM. (2019). Global Evolution of Research in Artificial Intelligence in Health and Medicine: A Bibliometric Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 8(3):360. DOI:10.3390/jcm8030360.

(2019 IF 3.303 | Q1)

Vuong QH. (2019). SciRev: an initiative for improving peer review transparency. European Science Editing, 45(1): 20.

(2019 CiteScore 1.3 | SCImago H-Index 10 | Q2)

Vuong QH. (2019). Computational Entrepreneurship: from Economic Complexities to Interdisciplinary Research. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 17(1): 117-129. DOI:10.21511/ppm.17(1).2019.11.

(2019 CiteScore 1.0) | SCImago H-Index 17 | Q3)

Vuong QH, Ho MT, Vuong TT, La VP, Ho MT, Nghiem PKC, Tran BX, Giang HH, Giang TV, Latkin C, Nguyen HK, Ho CS, Ho RC. (2019). Artificial Intelligence vs. Natural Stupidity: Evaluating AI Readiness for the Vietnamese Medical Information System. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8(2), 168. DOI:

(2019 IF 3.303)(Google Scholar)

Hoang CD, Tran BX, Pham MD, Nguyen LH, Do HN, Vuong QH, Ho MT, Dam NV, Vuong TT, Nguyen HH, Nguyen V, Pham HQ, Ha GH, Latkin C, Ho CSH, Ho RCM. (2019). HIV and AIDS-related knowledge and attitude of residents in border regions of Vietnam. Harm Reduction Journal, 16:11. DOI:

(2019 IF 3.818)(2019 CiteScore 4.3)(2019 SCImago H-Index 46 | Q1)

Tran BX, Nguyen LH, Vu GT, Le TH, Nguyen DH, Vuong QH, La VP, Hoang DA, Dam VN, Vuong TT, Nguyen HLT, Latkin CA, Zhang MWB, Ho CSH, Ho RCM. (2019). Online peer influences are associated with receptiveness of youths: The case of Shisha in Vietnam. Children and Youth Services Review 99(1), 18-22, DOI:

(2019 IF 1.521)(2019 CiteScore 2.5 | SCImago H-Index 83 | Q1)

Vuong QH, Nghiem PKC, La VP, Vuong TT, Nguyen THK, Ho MT, Tran K, Khuat TH, Ho MT. (2019). Sex differences and psychological factors associated with general health examinations participation: results from a Vietnamese cross-section ‎dataset. Sustainability, 11(2), 514; DOI:

[2018 IF 2.592](2019 CiteScore 3.2 | SCImago H-Index 68 | Q2)

Nguyen TVA, Nguyen NNQ, Khuat TH, Nguyen TPT, Do TT, Vu XT, Tran K, Ho MT, Nguyen THK, Vuong TT, Vuong QH. (2019). Righting the misperceptions of men having sex with men: a prerequisite for protecting and understanding gender incongruence in Vietnam. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8(2), 105; DOI: [download pdf]

(2019 IF 3.303 | Q1)

Nguyen TMT, Tran BX, Flemming M, Pham MD, Nguyen LT, Nguyen TLA, Le HT, Nguyen HT, Hoang VH, Le TTX, Vuong QH, Ho MT, Dam VN, Vu N, Vuong TT, Nguyen TLH, Do PH, Doan PL, Nguyen HH, Latkin K, Ho CSH, Ho RCM. (2019). HIV Knowledge and Risk Behaviors among Drug Users in three Vietnamese Mountainous Provinces. Substance Abuse: Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 14: 3; DOI:

(2019 IF 1.960)(2019 CiteScore 3.0 | SCImago H-Index 36 | Q1)

Vuong QH (2019). The financial economy of Viet Nam in an age of reform, 1986-2016. In: U. Volz, P. Morgan and N. Yoshino (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Banking and Finance in Asia (pp. 201-222). London, UK: Routledge.

(WOS indexed)(Scopus)(Google Book)(Google Scholar)