Satirical fables offer us a vision for sustainability? (Vis Sust, Università di Torino, Italy)
Conversations with Kingfisher (Dr TMA Tran, Michigan Tech University, USA)
The art of satire and social commentary (Dr PTM Duong, University of New England, Australia)
What makes readers love a fiction book? (Research paper / Data)
bayesvl R package & BMF analytics
CRAN downloads: 23,731. The program has enabled 133 authors, from 162 universities/institutions in 16 countries, to publish 69 peer-reviewed research articles (Data)(*CRAN: The Comprehensive R Archive Network)
Total number of book pages read: 45,317 (KENP)
Of which, WWW KENP read: 17,431 ¤ BEE: 18,115 (*KENP: The Kindle Edition Normalized Pages)