2023 IEEE VR KELVAR Workshop: K-12+ Embodied Learning through Virtual and Augmented Reality (8th Annual Workshop)

Organized in conjunction with the IEEE Virtual Reality 2023


K-12+ (K-12 and higher ed) education is currently undergoing a technological revolution creating opportunities for Virtual-, Augmented-, and Mixed-Reality based learning (hereafter referred to as XR [extended reality] technologies. Technology integration will continue to increase as mobile devices penetrate all socioeconomic strata, and as XR technologies become affordable to schools, vocational education providers, universities, and informal educational settings. These technologies have the potential to facilitate effective learning by: developing the ability to engage students of all ages with interactive 3D simulations of real-life and artificial phenomena; presenting information that is spatially – and temporally – integrated with real objects; leveraging whole-body motions to depict and reinforce learning content.  However, there are many questions about the integration of such experiences into the classroom, such as: What curriculum topics might be addressed through XR technologies?; What socio-cultural, psychological and physiological mechanisms underlie embodied cognition?; How can we design experiences that are appropriate for the different stages of human development?; How will pedagogical approaches be influenced by such technologies?

In this workshop we aim to bring together educators, developers and researchers who are interested in creating and deploying XR technologies for the educational contexts of the future. The workshop will enable participants to discuss and engage with different approaches for designing and integrating XR technologies with a specific focus on the challenges and potential for embodied learning in the classroom for K-12, vocational and higher education.


We expect the audience will be attendees to the IEEE Virtual Reality conference, specifically those interested in educational technology:


The KELVAR Workshop is scheduled for:

Below is the breakdown of the detailed schedule for the presentations:

KEYNOTE: XR Technologies for Engaged, Embodied, and Creative Learning to Meet the Realities of Complex Contemporary Classrooms by Dr. Paula MacDowell

As K-12 and higher education classrooms become increasingly complex, educators face the challenge of engaging students distracted by technology, disconnected from their peers, and disenchanted with traditional teaching methods. Extended reality (XR) technologies offer a unique opportunity to address these challenges by providing engaging, embodied, and contextualized learning experiences that capture student attention and stimulate their minds. This keynote will explore how XR technologies can foster human connection and empathy among students and offer personalized and creative learning opportunities.

Dr. Paula MacDowell, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum Studies at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. She is a recognized leader in the scholarship of immersive learning and technologies for pro-social and environmental change. She is the co-editor of the book Immersive Education: Designing for Learning, which focuses on designing and being a designer of immersive education. Paula sits on the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Board of Directors as the Director of Practitioners and serves as a Practitioner Chair for the annual iLRN conference. Her professional interests include working collaboratively to mobilize research and practical knowledge of emerging technologies in K-12, higher education, work-based, and industry contexts.


We welcome preliminary research results and thought-provoking position papers, on topics related to XR learning for K-12+:


Manoela Milena Oliveira da Silva, Voxar Labs/Federal University of Pernambuco, UFPE (mmos@cin.ufpe.br)

Steven Cutchin, Boise State University, USA (stevencutchin@boisestate.edu)

Erica Southgate, University of Newcastle, Australia (erica.southgate@newcastle.edu.au)

Jerry Alan Fails, Boise State University, USA (jerryfails@boisestate.edu)


The organizing committee will select submissions based on the quality and contribution of the work relating to embodied learning in education. We seek contributions in the following formats:

Papers must be written in English and follow the IEEE VGTC conference format found at: http://ieeevr.org/2023/contribute/papers/#submission-guidelines-important  

Please e-mail any questions to Manoela Milena Oliveira da Silva at mmos@cin.ufpe.br 


All workshop papers will be published in the IEEE Digital Library and shared on the workshop website.

We may follow with an opportunity to contribute to a special issue in Frontiers in Virtual Reality.

Looking for previous workshop years ?