Professional experiences

- Processing geophysicist, since October 2012 in CGG.

- PhD, November 2008 - June 2012 - GeoAzur Laboratory (CNRS) and University of Nice Sophia Antipolis Sophia Antipolis, France

Seismic imaging of 2D visco-elastic media by stereotomography and FWI: application to the Valhall oil / gas field in North Sea

Supervisors were Stéphane Operto (CNRS) and Jean Virieux (professor at U. of Grenoble). The PhD was supported by the SEISCOPE oil consortium, devoted to the investigation of high-resolution seismic imaging based on FWI.

- Internship March - August 2007 - Schlumberger-Doll Research Boston, MA, USA. 

Stress effects on the borehole flexural mode, under the direction of Henri-Pierre Valéro. The aim was to join seismic and geomechanical concepts to model shear velocity dispersion curves in a borehole under constraints.