Lectures & Talks

This is a a collection of presentations and lectures that I have been involved with, related to AI/ML.

LLMOps: the Lifecycle of an LLM

The session provides advice and guidelines on creating long-term successful Generative AI applications. 

The video recording and slides are now freely available here: https://aws.amazon.com/events/aws-innovate/apj/aiml-data 

Click “Register now to watch on-demand” and go to the “Generative AI fundamentals” section. 

MLOps with Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker is a managed ML platform that aims to streamline the whole, end-to-end Machine Learning (ML) lifecycle. In this series, we will dive deeper on the value proposition of Amazon SageMaker for Machine Learning Operations (MLOps). We start from the basics: what is MLOps, how it relates to DevOps and why we need it. We then gradually, dive deeper on different tools that Amazon SageMaker offers for MLOps, covering task orchestration, feature store, inference options, and MLOps architectural patterns. This series is designed for data engineers, data scientists, and developers with prior experience in Amazon SageMaker and basic knowledge of AWS services. You will need an AWS account in order to access this SkillsBuiler material.

Fine-grained Emotional Profiling

This was a talk presented in the 2016 ASEAN RE-WORK Deep Learning Summit. It presented my research in ADSC on Facial Expression Analysis, showcasing results both for dimensional (regression) and categorical (classification) expression estimation. [October 2016]


Integrating Amazon Textract with a human-in-the-loop pipeline

This was part of a full-day webinar on Computer Vision and Machine Learning (ML), that was held on 20 October 2020, for the ASEAN region. My lecture was part of the Technical track, and focused on how to combine ML models with human-in-the-loop pipelines. The example shown here refers to Amazon Textract (smart AI OCR and document analysis), but can be easily extended to any other ML applications. [October 2020]


Building Machine Learning Pipelines on AWS

In this session we'll introduce best practices, components and common architectures in modern ML Operations. We will see how the AWS ecosystem has evolved to support the different stages of an ML pipeline. [March 2021]


MLOps: Automating ML Workflows with Governance and Security

ML Operations is the methodology that enables data science teams to automate, orchestrate, monitor and deploy ML models at scale. In this session we will start by focusing on the practical issues that organizations face while trying to productionize ML systems. We will explore the set of tools that AWS offers and how they can remove the heavy lifting from your teams, reducing the total cost of ownership and allowing to innovate faster. We will also share ML Ops best practices, specific to governance and security, allowing developers and data science teams to build and experiment with their ML workloads at scale. [March 2021]


Build your AI-ready data platform

Discussion on the benefits of adopting a AI/ML platform approach, for data science teams. [March 2022]


Leveraging AI/ML and AWS Turnkey Solutions to accelerate innovation at scale

This is a session presented during the 2022 AWS ASEAN Partner Summit, focusing on how AWS partners can collaborate with AWS to differentiate their products and solutions with AI and machine learning (ML). It also shares partner and customer success stories and discusses opportunities to help customers who are looking for turnkey solutions. [May 2022]. (You will have to register to access the recording).
