

- Introduction to solid materials : from formulation to mechanical properties and durability (M1 level);

- Materials for Patrimony (classes on metals and patinas) (M2 leve);

- Corrosion (M1 level);

- Materials&Environment (M2 level);

- Physical chemistry and solution chemistry at the Institut Villebon Georges Charpack (alternative pedagogy for young undergraduates from underprivileged backgrounds) (L1 level);

- Physical chemistry at the PSL University Lycence (L2 level) "Science for Sustainable World", https://psl.eu/en/education/psl-bachelors-degree-sustainability-sciences 

- Practical works in metallurgy (M1 level).

Teaching Initiatives and Responsibilities :

- Responsible of practical works in Metallic materials (96 students, 2 teachers) (M1 level);

- Co-promotion and co-responsibility (with O. Majerus , the idea generator) of new interdisciplinary module "From Atom to Object" M.I.A.O (Module Interdisciplinaire de l'Atome à l'Objet (website in French, in progress) for students between designers  and chemical engineers (see more on the website)  (M2 level)

- Specialty manager for students in mobility (appr. 25 students / year with > 6 month and more international mobility: double diploma, alternance, exchange students...) (M1 and M2 level)

- Steering committee and  put in place of practical works in in the form of interdisciplinary project in group (Physical and Analytical Chemistry and Materials) (L3 and M1 levels). 

- Organizing of specific training programs for IRCP PhD students, master students and engineers, on deep understanding of new analytical Technics: Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (2 days training), vibration spectroscopy: Raman and infrared (1 day training), Scanning electron microscopy (3 days training),  Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (3 days training). Seven sessions were organized between 2016 and 2022