Victor Muntés Mulero

I am currently the Co-founder and CEO at Beawre. I passionately work to transform the construction sector, enabling continuous risk control in a non-intrusive way. Beawre is one of the winners of the CEMEX Startup Competition 2020, the most challenging competition for startups in the construction sector in the world.  The company was also selected in the CEMEX 2020 Top-50 Construction Technology Startup list. 

Before this, I was vice president of research at CA Technologies, a multibillion-dollar technology company, leading the Strategic Research team, worldwide. I was responsible for leading research that had the potential to impact the strategic direction of CA Technologies products and services. My duties included identifying opportunities within the company that can be transformed into research relationships performed in collaboration with university faculty and students. Besides, I supported the creation of a corporate accelerator. In 2016, I got a “Special Recognition Award for the outstanding employee in the Office of the CTO at CA Technologies”, annual company recognition that distinguished me among 12,000 employees, because of my contribution and leadership in building a global research and technology transfer strategy. I also won 3 times the CA Patent Innovation Program IQ Award for the best-patented idea in CA worldwide (Nov 2013, Jan 2016 and January 2017). Besides, I led the participation of his organizations in 13 research projects. 

I have more than 80 peer-reviewed research publications in the computer field which accumulate around 3000 citations, as well as more than 20 granted patents. I have authored a book, as well as several book chapters. I have been mentioned in the press more than 250 times. 

Prior to joining CA Technologies, I was an associate professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), where I performed research related to managing very large data volumes (Ph.D. thesis funded by the Center of Advanced Studies at IBM) and graph databases. Out of my work on graph databases, I co-founded Sparsity Technologies SL, a spin-off started at UPC in 2010, which was later on recognized in 2015 as the small company with the highest innovation potential in Europe according to the European Commission.

Apart from my regular lecturing at UPC, I was named Honorary Professor at Universidad of San Martín de Porres (Lima, Perú) in August 2015 and I have also taught master courses related to relational database management systems and data stream processing and mining, at the University of Reading (Reading, UK, 2003) and Pontifícia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia, 2011), respectively. Besides, I have acted as the Industry Chair at BPM 2017 and I have been the chair of two international workshops: PAVLAD (ACM First International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity for Very Large Datasets), in conjunction with CIKM 2009; and UIM-GDB (University-Industry Meeting on Graph Databases), in 2011. I have also worked as an expert evaluator for the European Commission in the FET program.

Among former civic responsibilities, he served as Chairman of the Catalan (Boy&Girl) Scouts and President of the Josep Carol Scout Foundation. 

Victor Muntés Mulero