Published papers

Sequential Entry in Illiquid Markets, Supplementary Appendix , Journal of Financial Markets, vol. 64, Jun 2023

The anticipation of entry of a new intermediary by other market participants can limit entry. Nevertheless, the mere threat of entry can reduce spreads and overturns the effects of market power on prices and liquidity.

(Previous title: Which Markets Attract Arbitrageurs?)

Arbitrage with Financial Constraints and Market Power, Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 217, April 2024

When arbitrageurs are competitive, VaR-based constraints may impair their ability to provide liquidity, lowering other investors' welfare. But when arbitrageurs have market power, these constraints can make everyone better off and increase liquidity. Alternative constraints (fixed margins, position limits) have the same effects as VaR constraints in competitive but not in oligopolistic markets. 

(previous title: Market Structure and the Limits of Arbitrage)

Online Appendix

Under revision

Strategic Trading around Anticipated Supply/Demand Shocks , Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Financial Economics 

When strategic traders trade with a competitive fringe, anticipated shocks create V-shaped price patterns around the realization of the shocks. Inventory dynamics depend on whether strategic traders use market or limit orders.

This paper replaces my earlier working paper "Dynamic Strategic Arbitrage" (available below).

Working paper

Predatory Trading in a Rational Market 

When smart investors anticipate that predatory traders will push a financially-constrained rival (prey) into distress, prices drop in anticipation of the prey's firesales and a trader's price impact becomes an increasing function of her financial strength. This reduces the cost of predation for predators.

(Previous title: Strategic Liquidity Provision and Predatory Trading)

In Progess

Latency, with A.  Boulatov and S. Carré

Inactive Working Paper

Dynamic Strategic Arbitrage