semisupervised learning

Web Site: Semi-supervised Learning

BOOK 2006: Chapelle, Olivier, Bernhard Schölkopf, and Alexander Zien. "Semi-Supervised Learning."

PHD Thesis 2010: Mallapragada, Pavan Kumar. Some contributions to semi-supervised learning. Diss. Michigan State University, 2010.

  • Existing PR methods are improved to work in the new semi-supervised settings.

Literature Survey 2005 Zhu, Xiaojin. "Semi-supervised learning literature survey." (2005).

  • Have some small good intro. to methods like Self Training, Co-Training, Multiview learning.
  • Focuses mainly on supervised learning (classification) direction.

Survey 2004 (includes unsupervised): Grira, Nizar, Michel Crucianu, and Nozha Boujemaa. "Unsupervised and semi-supervised clustering: a brief survey." A Review of Machine Learning Techniques for Processing Multimedia Content 1 (2004): 9-16.

  • Easy to read and cover the breadth of the field. Not having depth (even as a survey paper).

PHD Thesis 2003: Basu, Sugato. Semi-supervised clustering: Learning with limited user feedback. Diss. The University of Texas at Austin, 2003.