
Integrating the Arts into Science Curriculum

Science and art have been linked from the earliest of times. Cave dwellers recorded their own presence and preserved their place in history by drawing figures and artifacts on cave walls and sculpting figures out of clay. Scientific invention has always required careful planning, drawing, and illustration from the parts of machinery and tools to illustrating anatomy of the human body. Studying perspective is particularly important in scientific drawing and illustration. Early drawing and paintings attempted to explain the known as well as the unknown. Physical science, biological life science, geoscience, and chemistry have all provided a source for artistic creation. One of the best known examples is Leonardo da Vinci - scientist, inventor, artist. Go to this website - Many historians consider da Vinci a paleontologists and biologist. Below are drawings of a horse, a flying machines, fetus in the womb, and the Vitruvian Man.

Leonardo da Vinci at the Museum of Science -

Science and Visual Arts

Drawing Nature

Anatomy of Animals and Humans

Science and Visual Arts – Illustrations from Mrs. Piper’s 4th/5th Graders for Earth Week!

Nature Illustration

  • Seahorse Anatomy - Link
  • Interior Vacuum Vessel - Link
  • Anatomical Illustration - Link
  • Cryptic Coalition - Link