Virpark Inc Residential Facility

Our Philosophy

Our mission is to provide a creative, therapeutic, home-like setting for adults.

Virpark’s homes are embedded in residential communities where individuals are encouraged to integrate and participate in their surrounding community through volunteering, working and socializing.

Virpark’s purpose is to help people pursue daily tasks and goals with freedom and dignity. We provide assistance with the acquisition, retention or improvement of self-help, socialization and adaptive skills.

We believe in providing support that gives people an opportunity to develop their potential to become self sufficient, and to maintain self-confidence and dignity. This support includes assistance with personal goals that are identified through discussions with the person supported and the people who know him/her best.


Owner/Director Virginia Parker has 25 years of experience working as a special educator and counselor. She has a M.A. Ed and has also served three years as a mental health facility coordinator.

Virpark has been awarded national accreditation for fundamentals of Quality Assurances®

619 Creekridge Road, Greensboro, North Carolina 27406 | phone: 336-271-4002 | fax: 336-464-2916