Welcome to the Web-Studio

2022 MTAC Certificate of Merit Evaluations

The State has moved all evaluations ONLINE

Students are working hard and on their pieces and technique. I have a goal for all students to record their Technique by Halloween, and one CM song by the end of the year.

2022 Federation Festival

Save the date - Sunday May 1, 2022

This event is returning to in person recitals (health department permitting) Students will be picking out pieces and learning them them over the summer.

Fall Recital

Date TBD

Fall is just around the corner, and we are going to be working on a piece to play. I am waiting until close to the date to decide if it will be in person or video.

Winter Recital

Save the date - Saturday December 11, 2021

We are still having our Holiday Recital, so parents it is time to brush up on your skills and play some holiday duets with your children. This annual tradition is a fun tradition for the entire family. Non-student siblings are welcome to participate in the festivities by performing a verse of Jingle Bells.

New "Furry" STudents

I miss seeing everyone in person, but I am thankful to have some furry company while I am getting everything ready for your lessons.