Work Experience

Academic Work Experience:

  1. Ongoing elective course: NoSQL Systems (IIIT Bangalore)
  2. Elective course: Streaming Data Systems (IIIT Bangalore)
  3. Term-2 21-22 elective course: CS 838 Cloud Computing (IIIT Bangalore)
  4. Completed course (Masters in Data Science programme, Dept of Mathematics, University of Luxembourg) -- August 2021 to Jan 2022
    • NoSQL Databases and Cloud Computing 
  5. Teaching experience at Leuphana University -- Leuphana Professional School, M Sc. in Data Science Pgm (April 2018 - Present):
  6. Teaching experience at the University of Luxembourg (March 2018 - Present):
    • BPINFOR-105 Cloud Computing (Winter Term 2019/20)
    • MICS2-43 Advanced Database Topics: Focusing on Stream Data Processing Systems (Winter Term 2019/20 along with Prof. Martin THEOBALD)
    • MICS2-41 Big Data Analytics (Summer Term 2018/19, 2020/2021 along with Prof. Martin THEOBALD) -- Ongoing 
    • BPINFOR-105 Cloud Computing (Winter Term 2018/19 along with Prof. Martin THEOBALD)
    • F1_BAINFOR-20 Information Management 1 (Summer  Term 2019/20  along with Prof. Martin THEOBALD)
    • F1_BAINFOR-33 Information Management 3 (Winter Term 2020/21  along with Prof. Martin THEOBALD)
    • MICS2-43 Advanced Database Topics: Focusing on Distributed Systems (Winter Term 2018/19 along with Prof. Martin THEOBALD)
  7. Teaching experience at IIT Tirupati (Aug 2016 - Dec 2016):
    • CS2110  Computer Programming Lab
    • Discrete Mathematics (as TA)
  8. I have the opportunity to assist in the following courses as a part of my Assistantship duties at IIT Madras:
    • CS3100 Paradigms of Programming: ODD15.         
    • CS1100 Computational engineering lab: ODD16 (as Co-ordinator TA), ODD15 (as Lead TA), EVEN15 (as Lead TA), ODD12.
    • CS6852 Theory and Applications of Ontologies: ODD16, EVEN15.
    • CS3700 Introduction to Database Systems: ODD14, ODD13.
    • CS4310 Software Engineering Lab: EVEN14.        
  9. ITM CSE Dept. Consultative Committee member (Ph.D. Scholar representative) for the year 2015-16.

Selected Recent Events and Activities:

    • Role as a reviewer/PC member: SIGMOD'22 (Demo PC), CIKM'21 (PC member), COD-COMAD2021 (PC member),  SEMEX2020 (PC member), ICML'20 (reviewer), CIKM'20 (PC member), ICETCI 2021 (reviewer), SWJ (Semantic Web Journal), VLDB'19 (reviewer), EMJ (European Medical Journal) (reviewer), CIKM'18 (reviewer)
    • Professional Member, ACM  (since 2016)
    • Recently attended Summer schools/conferences: RW2018 (Luxembourg), BDML2018 (Leipzig, Germany)
    • BigData Analytics lecture (Uni. Luxembourg) on SVD [PDF
    • BigData Analytics lecture (Uni. Luxembourg) on  Geo-spatial and temporal data analytics [PDF]
    • Talk on  A Stream Data Processing Engine based on Asynchronous Message Passing at Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany (08/08/19)

Current Ph.D. Students:

Current M.S. Students:

Role as a mentor (along with Prof. Theobald):       

    • Mauro DALLE LUCCA TOSI (Ph.D, University of Luxembourg): Data Streams in the context of Deep Learning; 2020 Aug - present
    • Damien TASSETTI (Masters Student, University of Nantes, France): Flow-Wrapping: Distributed Progress Tracking for AIR; 2020 May - 2020 Aug (completed)
    • Yan WU (Ph.D, University of Southwest, China):  Guided Inductive Logic Programming; 2019 Mar - 2020 Mar
    • Rubaiya BEGUM (M Sc., UL) -- Ongoing
    • Jingjing WU (M Sc., UL): Integration of a Graph-based QA System into Apache Spark:  Feb 2020 - Dec 2020
    • Samira CHAYCHI (M Sc., UL): RDF Stream Data Processing on Asynchronous Message Passing Framework; 2019 Feb - 2019 Sep  (Graduated)
    • Sadi NASIB (M Sc., UL) Real-time Streaming Detection of Anomalous Taxi Driving Behaviour; 2019 Feb - 2020 Feb (Graduated) 
    • Plarent HAXHIDAUTI  (M Sc., UL) Guided Inductive Logic Programming; 2019 Nov - 2020 Mar (Graduated) 

Associated Projects (active ones):       

  • 1.  AIR (Asynchronous Iterative Routing: the Streaming Project) : gitlab link
  • 2. TensAIR (Distributed Deep Learning Architecture for Streams)
  • 3. GILP (Guided Inductive Logic Programming)
  • 4. BigText - in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute, Germany.

More details can be found at the ScaDS website