Vintage Hair & Makeup Home

In August of 2010, a group of Piedmont Swing Dance Society, Inc. dancers gathered for an Afternoon of Vintage Hair and Makeup. 

With supplies, tools, power strips, laptops, and accessories, we helped one another glam up --  vintage style -- for the swing dance that evening. 

Our session was followed by photographs taken by PSDS members who are professional photographers,

and then we moved on to the dance where we twirled and danced the night away with our vintage-inspired looks. 

This site is a collection of information to help re-create the glamorous, vintage inspired looks from the first half of the 1900s. 

It includes information about clothing, hair, and makeup.

Please feel free to peruse, forward, etc.

NOTE:  Technically speaking, the term "vintage" refers to clothing between 20-100 years old, so anything older than 1989 is considered "vintage." 

However, in this context, we're referring to "swing-dance-era-vintage" which is indicative of the 1920s-1950s. 

Anything older than 100 years old is termed "antique."

This site is an on-going collection, so if you have suggestions for additions, please let me know.


P.S. - Boys ARE allowed.  Some sites carry men's vintage clothing and shoes, too!  Look for the asterick (*).

Site Created: 11/16/11; Last Updated: 3/16/12 , 3/28/23

Photos by Brian Sutton, Wade Alexander, and Rebecca Holland