Village Playwrights Gay Holiday Readings

Village Playwrights Productions

The Village Playwrights announce a call for submissions for Love Is Queer, staged readings of 10 minute plays to celebrate Valentine's Day on Monday, February 10, 2020 from 7 to 9 pm at St. Johns Church, 81 Christopher, NYC.


  • Plays must be under 10 minutes (no more than 10 pages in standard format.

    • Plays must should be about romance from an LGBTQ perspective.

  • You must produce the reading of your own play including casting and a minimum of 2 hours rehearsal.

  • Deadline for submissions is January 17, 2020, 5 pm.

  • No fee to submit

To Submit:

  • send your play as an attachment to

  • your name and contact information should be in the body of the email but not on the script.

  • only put the name of your script on the subject line

Guidelines for writing a good short play:

    1. Engage your audience quickly by getting to the conflict immediately.

    2. Surprise the audience; don't rely on cliches.

    3. Make the audience laugh or become emotional.

    4. Create vivid characters. Give them names. Naming your characters "Man" and "Woman" usually means your characters are not fully developed.

    5. Show, don't tell.

    6. Be original.

    7. Limit your play to 3-4 characters.

    8. The situation should be compelling.

    9. Communicate non-verbally.

    10. Make use of the space and props.

    11. Don't be afraid to be shocking.

Village Playwrights

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