Village of Coon Valley Water/Sewer Utility

Water and Sewer Services

The Village of Coon Valley provides Water and Sewer services.  If you are new to the Village please contact the office to set up services.   

You can access a Water/Sewer application by clicking this link:  Water/Sewer Application.   This application needs to be returned to the Village Office as soon as possible.  You can mail it (PO Box 129), you can drop it off (205 Anderson Street), you can email it (, or you can fax it (608-452-3242).

If you are moving out of Coon Valley you must also contact the office to terminate services.  The phone number to the Village Office is 608-452-3168.

Understanding Your Water and Sewer Bill

Your quarterly water and sewer bill is based on the amount of water used in your household in a three month period (quarter).  Water usage is measured through a water meter located in your home.  Most homes contain a 3/4” meter.

Your water/sewer bill is based upon the following breakdowns:

Water BASE Rates:  (This is a flat rate per quarter - every 3 months)

Quarterly Service Charges:

5/8 inch meter:  $51.00             3 inch meter:  $210.00

3/4 inch meter:  $51.00             4 inch meter:  $288.00

1 inch meter:  $69.00                  6 inch meter:  $441.00

1 1/4 inch meter:  $87.00               8 inch meter:  $630.00

1 1/2 inch meter:  $102.00   10 inch meter:  $840.00

2 inch meter:  $147.00             12 inch meter:  $1,062.00

Water USAGE Rates are billed as follows:

Residential:   $8.29 per 1,000 gallons

Multifamily Residential:  $7.66 per 1,000 gallons


First 75,000 gallons of water used each quarter:  $6.90 per 1,000 gallons

Over 75,000 gallons of water used each quarter:  $6.43 per 1,000 gallons


Sewer BASE Rate:  (This is a flat rate per quarter - every 3 months)

Quarterly Service Charge:  $24.00

Sewer USAGE Rate is billed as follows:

Quarterly Volume Charge:  $12.70 per 1,000 gallons of usage

There is a 25% upcharge for Rural Rates.



Customers are billed on a quarterly basis in March, June, September and December.

March bill due on April 21st

June bill due on July 21st

September bill due on October 21st

December bill due on January 21st  

Water and Sewer Penalties will be added to your bill if it is not paid by the Due Date on your bill.

There is a $50 charge for NSF/Insufficient Funds Checks.

There is a $168 charge for a frozen/damaged meter.

Vacuum Breakers are $11.80.

Summer Meter Program

The Village of Coon Valley does not supply summer deduct meters.  Residents may purchase a water meter for the purpose of gaining credit for water used outside that does not go thru the septic system.  There is a sewer credit only.

Meters must be purchased through HD Supply.  Contact: 608-834-1311 and ask for Eric Martin.  Tell him you are from the Village of Coon Valley and you want to purchase a summer deduct meter.  Cost of the meter and accessories will be approximately $250, or more, and you are responsible for paying the full cost.  

Once you receive your meter, you must bring it to the Village office so we can record the meter ID and enter it into our system before you start using it. Bring the meter back into the office each time you want the reading recorded.  We will record the reading and the usage will be deducted from your sewer usage.  You are responsible for keeping your meter in good condition and for bringing it into the office for reads.  The meter will freeze if it is left outside in the cold.

Important Do's and Don'ts when considering the Village Water/Sewer System:



Wise use of the sewer system and performance of simple preventative maintenance will help safeguard the system and reduce costs for everyone.