
Department of Mathematics, Eastern Washington University

o   MATH 107: Mathematical Reasoning                                                                 

o   MATH 121: Introductory Statistics                              

o   MATH 161: Calculus I                                                  

o   MATH 162: Calculus II                                                          

o   MATH 163: Calculus III                                                              

o   MATH 200: Finite Mathematics                                                             

o   MATH 225: Foundations of Mathematics                                                             

o   MATH 231: Linear Algebra                                                   

o   MATH 301: Discrete Mathematics                    

o   MATH 307: Mathematical Computing Laboratory                               

o   MATH 347: Introductory Differential Equations                

o   MATH 380: Elementary Probability and Statistics    

o   MATH 385: Probability and Statistical Inference I                                                        

o   MATH 444: Numerical Linear Algebra                                    

o   MATH 445: Numerical Analysis                                                                  

o   MATH 460: Continuous Functions     

o   MATH 485: Probability and Statistical Inference II                                                  

o   MATH 486: Probability and Statistical Inference III                                                                    

o   MATH 491: Senior Thesis Project 

o   MATH 499: Independent Study                     

o   MATH 545: Methods of Computational Modeling                                                

o   MATH 599: Independent Study                                                       

o   MATH 600: Master Thesis                                                                        

Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland

MATH 113: College Algebra with Applications and Trigonometry,  

MATH 212: Elements of Numbers and Operations,                

MATH 220: Elementary Calculus,                                     

MATH 115: Precalculus,                                                                

MATH 246: Differential Equations for Engineers,                           

MATH 113: College Algebra with Applications,                               

MATH 130: Calculus for the Life Sciences I,                                    

Department of Mathematics, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens

Linear Algebra II

Department of Mathematics, University of Crete

Calculus II and Introduction to Linear Algebra