Mental Health, Schooling Attainment and Polygenic Scorers: Are There Significant GxE Associations? (with Jere Behrman, Jason M Fletcher, Carlos A. Flores, Alfonso Flores-Lagunes & Hans Peter-Kohler). IZA DP Number 12425

Does Schooling Improve Cognitive Abilities at Older Ages: Causal Evidence from Nonparametric Bounds, with Jere Behrman, Jason Fletcher, Carlos Flores, Hans-Peter Kohler and Alfonso Flores-Lagunes. Under Review.

Mental Health, Schooling Attainment and Polygenic Scores: Are There Significant Genetic-Environmental Associations? with Jere, Jason Fletcher, Carlos Flores, Hans-Peter Kohler and Alfonso Flores-Lagunes. IZA DP No. 12452

Heterogenous Trajectories in Physical, Mental and Cognitive Health among Older Americans: Roles of Genetics and Earlier SES, with Cung Truong Hoang, Jere Behrman, Iliana Kohler and Hans-Peter Kohler. University of Pennsylvania Population Center Working Paper (PSC/PARC), 2021-76

Resilience, Accelerated Aging and Persistently Poor Health: Diverse Trajectories of Health among the Global Poor, with Cung Truong Hoang, Jere Behrman, Iliana Kohler and Hans-Peter Kohler. University of Pennsylvania Population Center Working Paper (PSC/PARC), 2022-96