Book release (Présentation du livre en anglais)

Book Release

The book - Et si on arrêtait de vieillir ! : Réalité, enjeux et perspectives d’une vie en bonne santé beaucoup plus longue (What if we could stop aging! Reality, challenges and prospects for a much longer and healthier life) by Didier Coeurnelle is available HERE.

Publication date: January 25, 2013. Publisher FYP


Why do we age? Are we doomed to grow old? Or shall we be part of the first generation to benefit from the slowing-down, or even the removal of aging?

International longevity expert Didier Coeurnelle sheds light on the possibilities, the means and the consequences of living a much longer, healthier life, even one of unlimited length. The author describes in fascinating detail the entire history of the fight against aging, and then decrypts the new results of global research aimed at understanding the process of aging. He rigorously describes and evaluates all existing methods that are used to slow senescence (food, psychological balance, geographical, social and economic aspects, etc.) as well as the benefits and risks of new therapies. He provides clear and uncompromising information about so-called “anti-aging products” from the pharmaceutical industry, such as DHEA, aspirin, antioxidants, etc. He examines the benefits and critical issues of a life without limits, at both the individual and the collective level, including public acceptance of the right to live longer, economic management of pension age, and aspects related to religion and psychology.

This book is one of the first books in French advocating for Life extension, and the first book in French to combine all the diverse aspects of Life Extension: history, science, politics, religion, psychology, and more…

Author Biography

Didier Coeurnelle is co-chair of Heales (Healthy Life Extension Society), which publishes a monthly newsletter of information: “La mort de la mort” (The Death of Death) and organizes international conferences. He is vice-president of the French association Technoprog, which aims to “spread the themes and questions related to technologies that could extend and enhance the lives of individuals and of humankind”. He is also an active member of the environmental movement.

Quotes (translation)

“Current and expected discoveries can greatly extend the human lifespan and lengthen the time of youth. This exciting, insightful and well-documented book explains how to take advantage of what we already know and understand, why we should allow the expression of creativity, boldness and freedom of spirit of research, and finally bring a new look at the fight against aging, which has now become a major challenge for humanity.” Miroslav Radman, Professor at the Faculté de médecine, Université Paris Descartes, member of the French Academy of Sciences.

“A bold and lucid book, a brilliant survey of the fight against aging and the promise of a life without limits thanks to rapid advances in biomedical gerontology. Scientific and sociological issues of this important area of research are remarkably presented to the French speaking public” Aubrey de Grey, chief editor of Rejuvenation Research, international expert in the field of research against aging

From scientific research to social and political issues, this book covers remarkably breathtaking prospects in the fight against aging. It explains why and how living radically longer can become a fundamental human right tomorrow” Laurent Alexandre, surgeon, neurobiologist, founder of and chairman of the company DNAVision.