
Parent Tip : The kindergartners will find it easy to remember the vowels, after you read it to them.

Once , there was a small boy named Ram. He went to kindergarten in a private school.

There, they taught him about the vowels, and its usage.

But Ram got confused about the consonants and the vowels.

So, his mother Seema, told him a trick to remember the vowels easily.

Since Ram loved all kinds of animals, she went on his path itself. She asked him if he liked 5 animals , ie. , Alligator , Elephant, Iguana, Octopus and Unicorn .

On hearing these animals' names itself, Ram was excited. Then Seema told him to remember the starting letter of all the

animals, ie. A, E , I , O , U !!

That's it. Ram understood what his mother was going to say.

Yes.... from that time onwards, he remembered the vowels by the 5 starting letter of the animals' names.

After reading this story, i hope that all parents will feel it easy to make their children learn the vowels easily.