The Witcher 2 How to Find Odrin

The Witcher 2 : Assassins of Kings Tutorials

The Witcher 2 How to Find Odrin

By the way ! if you find Odrin then near is a cave right ? Go inside and search on chests after you will beat Golem and you will get a very nice armour with +16 Armour, +40 vitality and +26 some protections. Good luck ! Tags: Where is Odrin, odrinnnn ooodrin, witcher, camp, soldiers, king, the witcher odrin drunk, how to find drunk, wit drunk quest, where is drunk man, mate, her mate, assassins of kings, 2011, quest solved tutorials, tutorial TW2 drunk in camp, mission, where is this drunken friend, drunk friends, solved quest, tw2 aokDonate for our Work

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