film/media/art festivals
film/media/art festivals
-12. festival of greek film documentaries, chalkis (gr), november 13th-18th, 2018 -in competition-
-11th greek documentary film festival chalkis (gr), november 21th-27th
-24th visionaria film festival siena (it), november 16th-18th
-63. internationale kurzfilmtage oberhausen (d), video library, may 11th -16th
“avi festival”, israeli film museum jerusalem (il), december 8
29th festival les instants vidéo numériques et poétiques marseille (online)
20. literarischer herbst, leipzig, (noch besser leben, october 27)
29th festival les instants vidéo umériques et poétiques marseille (november)
10. festival of greek film documentaries chalkis (october 11-16)
62. internationale kurzfilmtage oberhausen
(video library)
philosophy performance festival soundcheck philosophie leipzig
(+solo show+artist's talk)
on/off conference at university of marburg
(+solo show +artist's talk)
greek documentary film festival chalkis (october 13-18)
philosophy on stage #4 at tanzquartier vienna
teaser creation for the philosophy performance festival soundcheck philosophie leipzig
international short film festival oberhausen video library
6th International video art festival camagüey’s FIVAC
alternative film/video belgrad
temps d' images portugal-film award for films on art lisbon
greek documentary film festival chalkis
NE Fest – sofia international festival for independent experimental art
11th naoussa international film festival
international short film festival market in drama
»extra« video art and experimental film festival in leipzig
shoah film collection in warsaw
diskurs' 13 festival for young performing arts giessen
10th naoussa international film festival
crosstalk video art festival budapest [as the artwertease®]
images contre nature international festival of experimental video marseille (videotheque à la carte)
international short film festival oberhausen video-library
oriel q - queens hall gallery walles
natures 10 video festival ljubljana
Catalogue-Release of the Projects of "Freifrau von Schulz" hamburg
35th international short film festival clermont ferrand 2013 (market)
movement museum a virtual online formation of open setup (since january 2013)
p-silo videolibrary 12 marseille (since january 2013)
7th berlin biennale-project art wiki (since april 2012)
fragile-global-performance various cities / online (since august 2010)
european-film-festival for documentaries dokumentArt neubrandenburg /szczecin on tour in greifswald
the 24 hourds of nuremberg international short film festival
temps d' images film award for films on art
european-film-festival for documentaries dokumentArt neubrandenburg /szczecin
greek documentary film festival chalkis
9th naoussa international short film and video festival
demolition a screening to the topic of demolition in urban areas, moldova young artists association oberliht, chisinau
crosstalk video art festival budapest guest at art placc contemporary art festival tihany (lake balaton)
"the freedom of memory" "a virtual memorial phnom penh 2012" meta-house phnom penh
images contre nature international festival of experimental video marseille france (videotheque à la carte)
SHOAH european media art exhibition for peace and reconciliation at riga ghetto and holocaust museum riga
international movie-night on ‘nothing’ dresden
philosophy/performance festival [ soundcheck-philosophie ] #2 halle saale
crosstalk video art festival budapest
58th international short film festival oberhausen
Oodaaq festival of poetic images rennes
mediterranean festival of new filmmakers larissa
lecture-performance: experiments with text structures and picture-thoughts? ? halle
woher wohin halle saale
p-silo videolibrary 11 marseille (since january)
13th international panorama of independent film-makers of t.u.c. thessaloniki
non stop film 24 hours of nuremberg
philosophy on stage #3 at haus-wittgenstein vienna
bandits-mages festival bourges
temps d' images film award for films on art lisbon
festival of greek documentaries chalkis
ombud for equal treatment / gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft vienna [support to a performance of eva maria gauss]
afefv experimental film and video festival krk
open and uncurated festival direct action 2011 at cornwall autonomous_zone
lago film fest revine lago
open and uncurated festival direct action 2011 hannover
greener on the other side reykjavik association of icelandic visual artists (sim)
images contre nature marseille
water tower art fest sofia
philosophy/performance festival soundcheck-philosophie halle saale
open and uncurated festival direct action 2011 berlin
early melons international student film festival bratislava
greener on the other side international video art festival chongqing
"china box" video screening program at organhaus video festival chongqing
33th international short film festival clermont-ferrand
12th international panorama of independent film-makers of t.u.c. thessaloniki
28. festival tous courts rencontres cinématographiques d'aix-en-provence
madison camaguey III international video-arts festival
iv international rights protection film festival steps kiev
temps d' images film award for films on art lisboa
7th east silver market at 14th international documentary film festival jihlava
festival in out laznia centre for contemporary art gdańsk
international festival of digital cinema izolenta saιnt petersburg
19.dokumentart european film festival for documentaries neubrandenburg /
4. festival of greek film documentaries chalkis
archfilmfest istanbul international architecture and urban films festival
f-stop 4th international festival of photography leipzig [nuits Blanches Photographiques]
images contre nature international festival of experimental video marseille
ecofilms rodos international film and visual arts festival
3. video art festival budapest crosstalk
documentary festival on cultural diversity amsterdam beeld voor beeld
independent media festival tuebingen plattform-nobudget
living spaces 2th all art now festival damascus
chosen for the film market catalogue and digital videolibrary of the 50th krakow film festival
56. international short film festival oberhausen
belgian tv premiere of the work life circle live circus life on
festival des images expérimentales et numériques videographies 21 liège [special mention of the jury]
6. international festival of visual art inSPIRACJE 2010 szczecin
12. thessaloniki international documentary film festival market
daily solo of “SHOAH Film Collection” (SFC) online
6th berlin international directors lounge
AnaDoma-FilmVideoFest - Rendezvous der FilmeMacher braunschweig
launch of the “SHOAH Film Collection” (SFC) online
international rights film festival STEPS kharkov
11th international panorama of independent film-makers of t.u.c. thessaloniki
aix-film-festival aix-en-provence
mikro makro festiwal library of peripheries słupsk
madison camaguey II international video-arts festival camagüey
pantheon Xperimental 8.0 international Xperimental film & video festival nicosia
tempsdimages film award for film in art lisbon
24 stunden von nuremberg non stop kurz film festival
2. international thermaikos film festival
giessen videoart festival GIGUK
8. strange screen film & video festival thessaloniki
3. festival of greek film documantaries chalkida
moritzbastei cinema leipzig
perspective, the international human rights film festival nuremberg
wunder der praerie International festival for theatre | performance art | dance | fine art mannheim
bardinale 2009 dresden
6th one minute filme & video festival aarau
videoholica 2009 international video art festival varna
17. curtas vila do conde international short film festival vila do conde
festival images contre nature 09 marseille
crosstalk 09 video art festival budapest
in the palace 7th international short film festival balchik
ecofilms 09 rodos international films + visual arts festival
37. festival of the nations ebensee
x mediaforum of moscow film festival moscow
synch festival 09 [innovative music, moving image and new media] athens
moritzbastei cinema leipzig
nopasswd no 0 - no profit no institutional contamporary art festival genoa
55. international short film festival oberhausen
44th international popular scientific and documentary film festival AFO olomouc
31 international short film festival clermont-ferrand
24 stunden von nuremberg non stop kurz film festival
opticafestival internacional de vídeo arte gijón 8 audience prize competition athens
opticafestival internacional de vídeo arte madrid
21 instants vidéo numériques et poétiques marseille - port de bouc
temps d' images film award for films on art lisbon
2. festival of greek film documantaries chalkida
2. iran documentary film festival "cinema verite" tehran
16. curtas vila do conde, international short film festival vila do conde
17 e festival du vent project “taste4arts" calvi, corsica
oneminute film & video festival aarau
earth festival earth festival project “taste4arts" vlasti-kozani
synch festival the public screen project athens
ecofilms 09 rodos international films + visual arts festival
intensivstation der stura uni-leipzig schaubuehne lindenfels
10. backup_festival weimar
5th naoussa international short film and video festival
54. international short film festival oberhausen
30th international short film festival clermont-ferrand
AnaDoma-FilmVideoFest - Rendezvous der FilmeMacher braunschweig
2007 | MDR FERNSEHEN 2007 german tv
international documentary film festival market cph:dox 2007 copenhagen
24 stunden von nuremberg -non stop kurz film festival
9. backup_festival weimar
6. strange screen film & video festival thessaloniki [special mention of the jury]
1. festival of greek film documantaries chalkida [honorable mention of the jury]
one minute film & video festival aarau
hörspiel meets film, moritzbastei-oberkeller leipzig
audiovisual 06, kino svetozor prague
7. thessaloniki international documentary film festival
cammer cino iii, connewitzer cammerspiele leipzig
konstantinos-antonios goutos / the[video]Flâneu®
kolonnadenstr. 17 / 04109 leipzig, germany / +4915205133257 /