Book Chapters

11. The “Highway Effect” on Public Finance: The Case of the Southern Tagalog Arterial Road Tollway in the Philippines, in N. Yoshino, M. Helble and U. Abidhadjaev (eds.), Financing Infrastructure in Asia: Capturing Impacts and New Sources, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Institute, pp. 80-98, 2018.

10. The Renminbi and Exchange Rate Regimes in East Asia, in B. Eichengreen and M. Kawai (eds.), Renminbi Internationalization: Achievements, Prospects and Challenges (with M. Kawai), Brookings, pp. 159-204, 2015.

9. Do Asian Countries Fear Appreciation against the Renminbi?, in J. Corbett and Y. Xu (eds.), Rebalancing Economies in Financially Integrating East Asia (with R. Siregar), Routledge, pp. 75-101, 2015.

8. International Bank Claims to East Asian Economies: Stabilizers or Destabilizers?, in J. Corbett and Y. Xu (eds.), Rebalancing Economies in Financially Integrating East Asia (with R. Siregar), Routledge, pp. 217-239, 2015.

7. Exchange Rate Policy and Regional Trade Agreements: A Case of Conflicted Interests?, in R. Baldwin, M. Kawai and G. Wignaraja (eds.), A WTO for the 21st Century: The Asian Perspective (with R. Pomfret), Edward-Elgar, pp. 157-181, 2014.

6. Exchange Rate Policy and Regional Trade Arrangements, in R. Baldwin, M. Kawai and G. Wignaraja (eds.), The Future of the World Trading System: Asian Perspectives (with R. Pomfret), VoxEU-CEPR, pp. 75-80, 2013.

5. The Nexus Between Business Cycle Synchronization and Financial Integration in the Asia-Pacific Region, in S. Thangavelu and A. Chongvilavan (eds.), Real and Financial Integration in Asia (with F. Parulian), Routledge, pp. 20-42, 2013.

4. Benefits of Including an Asian Currency Unit (ACU) in an Optimized World Currency Basket, in L.R. Hockley (ed.), Global Operations Management (with J. Caulkins, V. Garg), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, pp. 73-84, 2010.

3. Is There a Role for an Asian Currency Unit (ACU)? in R. Rajan (ed.), Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Co-operation in Asia (with R. Rajan), Palgrave-MacMillan, UK, 2009.

2. The Yen, The US Dollar, and the Speculative Attacks against the Thailand Baht, in V. Shajan (c.ed.), Foreign Institutional Investment: Perspectives and Experiences (with R. Siregar), The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI), India, December 2006.

1. The Role of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) – Financial Services Agreement (FSA) in the Financial Liberalization Efforts of APEC Economies in P. Intal (ed.),Financial Liberalization: Managing Risks and Opportunities, co-published by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) and the Philippine APEC Study Centre Network (PASCN), 2005.