

revise and resubmit working papers

19. "A Rationalization of the Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference" 

(subsumes: “The Theory of Weak Revealed Preference") 

Victor H. Aguiar, Per Hjertstrand, and Roberto Serrano.

February 2024. (New!)  [pdf ]  (Revision Requested at The Economic Journal) (New results on k-Acyclicity and Existence of Counterfactuals, and Ordinal Representation Theorem). 

working papers

18. "Entangled vs. Separable Choice"

Victor H. Aguiar,  Nail Kashaev, Martin Plavala. 

new: June 2024. (New version contains a full characterization of separable choice!)  [pdf ]   

17. "Dynamic and Stochastic Rational Behavior"

subsumes (Nonparametric Analysis of Dynamic Random Utility Models" )

Victor H. Aguiar, Charles Gauthier,  Nail Kashaev, Martin Plavala. 

April 2023. (New version coming soon![pdf ]   [Slides for SAET 2023]

You can chat with our paper here (DRUMGPT) powered by GPT-4. This chatbot will give you a good answer for most of the details of our paper, but of course feel free to contact us if anything is unclear. 

16. “Estimating High Dimensional Demand under Bounded Rationality: The ESMAX Demand System"

Victor H. Aguiar, (joint with Nickolai Riabov)  mimeo.

revised: May, 2020.   [pdf ]


15. “Identification and Estimation of Discrete Choice Models with Unobserved Choice Sets  (formely circulated as: Discrete Choice and Welfare Analysis with Unobserved Choice Sets ")

Victor H. Aguiar,  Nail Kashaev.

new version coming soon: March 2024.   [pdf ]  (Accepted Journal of Business & Economic Statistics--JBES) Replication Package 

14.  A New Look at the Symmetry of the Slutsky Matrix (formerly circulated as Slutsky Matrix Symmetry: A New Behavioral Foundation)

Victor H. Aguiar and Roberto Serrano.

revised: February 2024. (New!)  [pdf ]  (Accepted at JPE Microeconomics)

13. Random Utility and Limited Consideration (Supersedes: "Does Random Consideration Explain Behavior when Choice is Hard? Evidence from a Large-scale Experiment ")

Victor H. Aguiar, Maria Jose Boccardi,  Nail Kashaev, and Jeongbin Kim.

Revised 2022/First Version: 2018.   [pdf ] (Quantitative Economics 14.1 (2023): 71-116.replication repository 

12. “Prices, Profits,  Proxies and Production"

(Subsumes: Prices, Profits, and Production: Identification and Counterfactuals)

Victor H. Aguiar, Roy Allen and Nail Kashaev.

updated  March 2022.  [pdf] (Forthcoming: Journal of Econometrics)

11. "A Random Attention and Utility Model" 

Nail Kashaev (randomized) Victor H. Aguiar

last update: May 2022 [pdf] (Journal of Economic Theory, 2022, 105487, ISSN 0022-0531.)

10. “Stochastic Revealed Preferences with Measurement Error",  2020, 

Victor H. Aguiar and Nail Kashaev (This paper subsumes  "Stochastic Revealed Preferences with Measurement Error: Testing for Exponential Discounting in Survey Data").

last update: March, 2020.  ( REStud)  [pdf ]. (working paper) Replication package in Zenodo

9. "Cardinal Revealed Preference: Disentangling Transitivity and Consistent Binary Choice", 2020. 

Victor H. Aguiar and Roberto Serrano. 

December 2020.  [pdf] Journal of Mathematical Economics. (working paper)

 Victor H. Aguiar, Mert Kimya  [pdf

7. “A Non-Parametric Approach to Testing the Axioms of the Shapley Value with Limited Data" (Games and Economic Behavior,  2018)

Victor H. Aguiar, Roland Pongou and Jean-Baptiste Tondji   [pdf

6. “Slutsky Matrix Norms: The Size, Classification, and Comparative Statics of Bounded Rationality” (Journal of Economic Theory,  2017) (Supplement with applications to finite data sets.)

Victor H. Aguiar and Roberto Serrano [pdf

5. “Satisficing and Stochastic Choice" (Journal of Economic Theory,  2016)

Victor H. Aguiar, Maria Jose Boccardi and Mark Dean [pdf

published short papers

4. Random Rank-Dependent Expected Utility." Games. 2022; 13(1):13. (Invited: Special Issue "Developing and Testing Theories of Decision Making" Guest Editor: Georgios Gerasimou.) 

Victor H. Aguiar and Nail Kashaev.  [pdf] replication repository

3. "Classifying Bounded Rationality in Limited Data Sets: A Slutsky Matrix Approach" (SERIEs Journal of the Spanish Economic Association,  2018)

Victor H. Aguiar and Roberto Serrano  (Some results of this paper have appeared in the Supplement to "Slutsky Matrix Norms and the Size of Bounded Rationality" paper without a mathematical proof.)  [pdf

2. “Random Categorization and Bounded Rationality" (Economics Letters, 2017). 

Victor H. Aguiar   [pdf]

chapters in books

Victor H. Aguiar, Roland Pongou , Roberto Serrano, and Jean-Baptiste Tondji 

revised: January, 2018.  pdf  (Published: Handbook of the Shapley value, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis )

"Dynamic and Stochastic Rational Behavior"

Illustration by Dall-e