IGNACE-JOSEPH de CLAUSSIN (Lunéville 1766 - 1844 Les Batignolles/Paris)

....J'ai faite une copie de cette estampe rare,dont la gravure est un peu plus soignée ; c'est en quoi elle diffère de l'originale.........(de Claussin)

De Claussin was a very eccentric man and many are the anecdotes told about him , i.e. how he went to bed with his valuable Rembrandt collection

tucked under his pillow,how he saved every penny to be able to buy more and better engravings , how at an auction with tears in his eyes,

he asked his competitors not to bid against he needed a last Rembrandt etching to complete his intended Rembrandt Catalogue Raisonné.

cf. PETER HELM Rembrandt Catalogue 2006 printed catalog & online catalogue Nos.43-71c

de Claussin is one the most skilfull masters surrounding Rembrandt.Many of his works are most deceptive.

For example the etching after Rembrandt's Polander standing with his stick : profile to right

plate measuring only 59x24 mm etched after the Rembrandt Etching belonging 1807 to George Hibbert, Esq. Portland House & Clapham


Fler förstagånger

Torsten Hammarström utnämndes till Sveriges första ambassadör till folkrepubliken. Hur det gick till när han kom till Beijing och den 12 juni 1950 överlämnade sina kreditivbrev har Ingvar Grauers skrivit om i ”På uppdrag hos Mao”, som ingår i Svensk-kinesiska vänskapsförbundets bok Hundens år: Årsbok om Kina (1982). Hammarström kunde lämna sina brev direkt till Mao Zedong, vilket var ovanligt.


collection helm&helm lindach ::: provenance tenner auction sale heidelberg

Arthur Hind in his Catalogue Vol.2 No.40, illustrating the British Museum exemplaire

and citing Middleton's No.2

(...In what we accept as the original , the skirt of the Polander's doublet which hangs behind over the sword,

is shaded with irregular descending lines; in M's copy2 these lines are in pairs closer together, and dividede from each other by broader spaces.

In the original, the face wears a more serious expression....)

In the supplement to his own Rembrandt Catalogue (1828) De Claussin notes one copy of the present plate by himself

(Pièces gravées d'après Rembrandt No.143[141])

rembrandt:: 40 ::de claussin British Museum Impressions

Even Rovinski in his Oeuvre Magnum the first Catalogue Raisonné with each plate in heliogravure was confused by Claussin's techniques and

illustrated a Claussin etching after Rembrandt from the Berlin impression as an Original by Rembrandt's hand.(R.412)

This error was discovered by Arthur Hind/British Museum some years later and mentioned in his own Catalogue of Rembrandt's Etchings.

The Little Polander Bartsch No.142 / Peter Helm Rembrandt Catalogue 2006 No.45

is the smallest etching of all Rembrandts and of greatest rarity.

cf. WHITE-BOON p.73

The above shown Etching after Rembrandt B23,second state Self Portrait with Plumed Cap and Lowered Sabre

is an early contemporary masterwork by Claussin.A Fine dark impression, in very good condition.



