ISSUES- Balcony Cracks


Every balcony on the 15th floor had cracks 10 years ago. No balcony below the 15th floor and facing the fountain had cracks even though many had glue down carpeting. It was decided then that since there were no cracks on the lower floors for over 50 years, their carpeting did not have to be removed. On the other hand everyone paid for repairs to the 15th floor balconies in an assessment. This included removing their carpets and applying a waterproof coating. Note that most balconies in the 2000 building have carpets, but no cracks.

Cracks have reappeared on the 15th floor balconies, but there continues to be no cracks on the lower floors facing the fountain. There is no reason for removing the carpets on the lower floors.

Note that costs were reduced in the past by assigning individual council members to be Project Managers on all major projects. An added benefit is the retention of project details, such as those above, by Council.