Press Releases

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The first meeting of new year for the Venice Civil War Roundtable will be on

Thursday, January 14, 2021. This year marks the fifteenth consecutive year that

Civil War buffs will be gathering to enthusiastically talk and learn about the

American Civil War ( 1861 - 1865 ).

Please be aware that this free event is open to the public and will be conducted

under the existing City of Venice standards: Masks are required, social distancing

will be in effect. The Community Room at Venice City Hall will be pre - sanitized by

City Hall custodians. The meeting will be from 7:00 - 8:45 pm.

The featured presentation on the agenda is the Shenandoah Valley Campaign

( June - October of 1864). Wayne Hall , a charter member of our Venice Civil War

Round Table, will describe the events that ravaged people and property in this critical war zone that ranged from southern Pennsylvania to the Virginia borders with eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina.

Additionally, Wayne Hall will present evidence of savagery in combat by troops of the Federal government, Confederate States of America, and their CSA partisan auxiliaries (bushwackers).

Wayne Hall, a graduate of Wake Forest University and Emory Law School

was an active leader in the Sarasota Civil War Roundtable before joining the

Venice Civil War Roundtable in 2006.

He will not only outline strategies and tactics of the military leaders, as

US General Phil Sheridan and CSA General Jubal Early, but also some of the

unintended consequences and surprising twists that affected the outcomes of

battles during the campaign (Lynchburg to Cedar Creek).

Finally, "the assembled multitude" at our meeting will be schooled about the

significance of the Shenandoah Valley Campaign for the final outcome of the

American Civil War, when CSA General in Chief, Robert E. Lee surrendered to U.S.

General in Chief, Ulysses S Grant, "The Savior of the Union".

For more information, consult our website: or call ( 941) 480 9892.

Lawrence Glynn, emeritus professor of history, Delta College, University Center, MI.

Co-founder and active member of the Civil War Roundtable ( 2006 - 2021 ).
