Let's Play Shadowrun (SNES) Part 6: THE CORTEX BOMB

Sputnik Club? Must be some sort of 2050 throwback communist meeting place.

So... Hello comrades!

Speaking of Russia, I think we've found a Chernobyl leftover... Eeek.

Oh yeah, I'm sure you're real high class there chief, hanging out at this joint instead of say... Club Penumbra.

Wastelands, eh? Pretty cool name. I guess I'll have to check that joint out, if I can ever find it...

Dances with Clams? I'm sorry, was Dances with Wolves already taken?

I wonder if this guy has ever seen a rock lobster...

Orifice? Now THAT is a great name.

Anybody else notice that our Mr. Armitage looks like what Sabin from Final Fantasy 3/6 would look like if he were from the future?

Hmmm... Wonder what is in this little back alley?

Let's stop by Ed's Patch N' Fix. Because with a name like that, what could POSSIBLY go wrong!?

A big 500 nuyen? Boy am I having second thoughts about doing this... But I'm sure the upgrade will be well worth it.

...I should have known since this guy shared a sprite with one of those idiotic morgue guys he'd be just as incompetent as they are.

Thanks for nothing, chief. Now its just T minus 30 minutes until I die a horrible brain-exploding death.

Apology accepted.

Now... What to about this ticking in my head. A cortex bomb sounds seriously nasty.

29 hours? Man, time moves fast in this game...

At any rate, that leaves me plenty of time to do some window shopping!

This first place seems to be some sort of magic store that sells talismans. Wooden stakes and potion bottles, and they all seem overly expensive. Thousands of nuyens a pop -- must be to trip up shallow tourists or something.

Awesome, a gun store! This here Defiance T-250 shotgun seems like a proper upgrade, sans its hefty 15,000 nuyen price tag... Yikes.

But this crazy dwarf behind the counter keeps wanting us to set our hair on fire and to get me to trade him two puppy dogs. What a weirdo.

This monorail system you use to move about between different places in this universe is awesome.

Also, it is nice to see that during my stay in the Caryards they managed to fix the monorail station near our starting place.

So, moving on to the newest area I can get to thanks to the monorail and... Uh oh, this doesn't look good. It's a trap! It looks like another hit squad is out to get me!

The Rust Stilettos? I guess it's better than Mr. Patch N' Fixes' Rusty Needles, but it seems like a pretty weak name for a gang.

Doesn't look like they've done too good of a job sealing the deal right now, does it orcface?

Orcface? *poke* *poke* *kick* *kick*

Well, I guess since he's dead, he won't mind us borrowing his keys.

After a brief meeting with another one of those Dog Acolytes, who was kind enough to watch me get ambushed by some ferocious orcs and do nothing about it, we resume trying to stop this ticking in our head (which really would seem to be the number one priority here).

Man, this street doc is in a terrible place. Look at all these bastards trying to shoot me!

And, furthermore, look at all the idiots in this market who are oblivious to all the damn gunfire!

Hmmm... 2000 nuyen to not die, eh? Sounds like a bargain to me.

Also, I appreciate that the receptionist has blue hair and green lipstick. Equal opportunity employment success!

Ah, a classy doctor. Already hawking new wares to me while in the middle of saving me from my

life-or-death predicament.

Hell yeah! Now I have Leadership, so I can hire other shadowrunners and they will stick around longer, which means I must be able to boss people around like a pro. Skillsofts are badass.

Hmmm... This intersection seems familiar...

Alright, a hotel! I could definitely use a nap after the day I have been having.

A cool 50 nuyen for a refresh and worth every penny. Though this room sure doesn't seem much bigger than a coffin...

Continue to Part 7: TAKE IT ON THE RUN, BABY