Let's Play Maniac Mansion (NES) Ending 2: Bernard's Geek Police

So, what if we didn't end the game Razor's way? Well, we'd let Bernard call The Meteor Police, of course!

To do this... I insert the radio tube from the downstairs radio box (in the room where we shattered the chandelier to get the rusty key for the dungeon door) into this giant radio.

With that done, turn it on, and read the meteor police poster to get their number. Then just use the radio, dial the number, and we're off to the races!

Well, that was pretty easy. Though... If the meteor police aren't on Earth, where did the wanted poster come from, exactly?


Wait... How do you already know there is a secret lab? And furthermore, that it is locked!?

My brain hurts.

Pro-Tip... Don't call the meteor police too many times without making sure the lab is unlocked. Eventually, they'll quit showing up, and you'll be hosed for complete the game this way!

Speaking of which, have Razor take the glowing key and unlock the secret lab, and then use the high score from the Meteor Mess game to open the inner door (as per how we did it in Razor's ending). And with those doors open, just wait for the Meteor Police to arrive.

He just... He just... Teleported into the dungeon, instantly. Like a boss.

Nice. He just put both Purple Tentacle and Dr. Fred in their place without breaking his stride.

And make sure to pay no attention to the innocent cheerleader tied up against her will to the ridiculous looking machine!

Crater-head? Nice line. Also, the meteor can talk!? I guess that explains how he gives orders to Dr. Fred -- but we easily could've assumed it was a magic voice inside his head like dragons from the Shadowrun universe do.

So the Meteor Police happened to have dropped a badge on their way through. Pick it up and take it with you on the way to Purple Tentacle.

The meteor police badge turns him into a quivering wimp. So quickly take his confession statement and move on to Dr. Fred.

Dastardly Deeds? What age group is this game aimed at again?

Also, I don't trust this purple bastard, because I already know the plot of the sequel!

At any rate, run through the lab and ignore Dr. Fred's rant about turning on the self destruct sequence and throw the kill switch in the (now empty) meteor room.

In fact, you may be able to throw the switch before he has technically turned it on...

And miraculously, Dr. Fred was able to shut down the self-destruct sequence this time, since The Meteor wasn't around to take over all control.

Thanks for reading everyone. That are still several other ways to end this game successfully using the other characters. Such as Wendy doing a re-write of the Purple Tentacle's manuscript. Or Michael developing Weird Ed's plans. Or feeding the meteor to the plant upstairs. Not to mention plenty of other ways to blow the house up and kill off characters in the game. The amount of endings in this game are quite impressive for its time (and even by today's standards). Truly a masterpiece.

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