Let's Play Maniac Mansion (NES) Ending 1: Razor's Edge

Just as I type the publisher's information on the envelope, that jackass Dr. Fred cuts the power.

So, stick the demo tape from green tentacle into the envelope, and let's mail it off to see if we get lucky.

*raises flag*

Well, it really wasn't *that* good. Razor's demo rocked the crap out of that garbage from Green Tentacle.

This was almost too easy.

[Editor's Note: If you send in Razor's (or Syd's) tape, they will get the contract, and showing it to green tentacle will cause him to kill you. If you send in the glass shattering tape, the window behind the guy will shatter. You can also use this to send in Wendy's re-write of the purple tentacle's manuscript to get him a contract. Really a lot of possibilities with the envelope.]

Check that out. I got a recording contract for Green Tentacle. Even though Razor's demo would've been ten times more awesome.

But as his middle man, I obviously deserve no less than 30% of all profits. Plus expenses.

Now, about my fee...

GT and The Suction Cups? That's... Terrible. But it sounds adventuresome, so I'm sure the kids will love it.

I uhhh... Yeah, we'll shoot some videos... But we'll start slow.

Protection? Should I be concerned about my safety or something?

Okay, now you're talking. Yes... That pesky meteor.

First, let's go get captured by Edna and take a trip to the dungeon so we can meet back up with Dave.

Using the glowing key we recovered from the bottom of the drained radioactive swimming pool to open both the other door locks, we reveal this inner door... But it requires a 4 digit passcode.

If you never repair the Meteor Mess game, the door code is 0000. But once you repair it, every time Dr. Fred plays the game, the newest high score he gets is the new inner door code.

So, we telepath the number 5858 from Bernard (in the video game arcade room) to Razor (in the dungeon). Take that, fourth wall.

Alright, the door is now open, and in we go.

So we wander over towards the door, and Purple Tentacle catches us. And not long after he starts trying to harass us, Green Tentacle shows up to even the score.

That's right, damn it! The only things allowed to screw up bands are internal strife, mismanagement, and record label pressures.

Excellent. Green Tentacle just told off Purple Tentacle, and he ran away. Leaving us to go after the meteor.

[Editor's Note: My personal favorite one is when you develop Ed's plans and he chases Purple Tentacle away and calls him "sucker face". Possibly the best insult in the game.]

So we take a look up this periscope and... We see into Edna's room? Doubly creepy since Purple Tentacle stands here the entire time.

Dr. Fred... From hopeless romantic to creepy deadbeat! Next on Sick Sad World.

[Editor's Note: I do miss Daria. That show was awesome. They brought back Beavis and Butthead; so why not another bundle of Daria!?]

Yeah Purple Tentacle, put on that Iron Maiden song "Invaders"! I wanna hear it, too!

I love that there is a Pepsi machine in Dr. Fred's lab. However, if you use your quarter from the letter in Edna's safe, you can get a cold can of Pepsi.

Apparently the Cold Can of Pepsi used to contain a long serial number that was a red herring about a possible code to shut down the machine. They apparently also tried to use Coke, but they wouldn't go for a cross promotion, so they went with Pepsi instead -- but I guess the cross promotion contest and stuff never really panned out or something.

And Dr. Fred just keeps ranting on and on and on...

In the meantime, we put on the radiation suit from the cabinet here (so that the meteor doesn't kill us with his death beam when he's firing his laser).

[Editor's Note: Insert Monty Python joke about droning on and on until you start foaming at the mouth and falling over backwards.]

Good, I never liked this house anyway. Razor should just grab Sandy, Dave and Bernard and scoot!

But since we can't do that, we need to use the card key from Weird Ed's room (the one that was hidden under his hamster) in this slot by the door here.

So we are now in the meteor's room... And ugh, look at that nasty puddle of wet, drippy, purple goo on top of and underneath that meteor.

At any rate, turn off the switch on this control panel on the left, and watch the mini-cutscene.

The meteor has taken control of the entire system? Interesting concept, actually. Reminds me loosely of the MCP and Sark from Tron.

At any rate... I guess we better figure out a way to dispose of this trash heap reject of a meteor.

Well, wouldn't you know that the other door in Tentacle's room leads to the garage! This is fairly handy, as we can just stuff this purple bastard right in the trunk here and use our yellow key in the ignition...

A Weird Edsel indeed...

And just in case you accidentally launched the rocket car without the meteor in it previously, you can always carry him upstairs and feed him to the plant in the typewriter room upstairs.

Hey, you can't blame Dave for asking! And just who is calling who a Tuna Head here!?

Also, it's total bunk that Dave ends up on the porch in this scene, when it was really Razor who did all the legwork and disposed of the meteor and saved the day. Razor for best character! Screw Dave!

That was a fantastic and awesome game on so many levels. If not a wee bit creepy, weird, and crazy.

How about an alternate ending, though? With... Bernard at the helm?

Continue to Ending 2: Bernard's Geek Police