
Welcome to this website devoted to Vegetation Classification Methods. The general objectives of the website are:

  1. To promote standardized practices for vegetation classification purposes.
  2. To promote discussion among vegetation scientists on vegetation classification practices.
  3. To facilitate access to useful technical resources, such as data, programs, tutorials, etc.

This website is maintained by the Vegetation Classification Working Group (VCWG) of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS).

Main sections of the website:

    • Visit the About VCWG section to know more about the general purposes and organisation of our Working Group.
    • Visit Concepts, History and Numerical analyses sections if you want to document yourself about the current knowledge and practices related to vegetation classification.
    • Visit the Books & Journals section in order to find which journals, books or book chapters are devoted to vegetation classification methods.
    • Visit the Data sources and Software sections to get links to useful resources such as programs, tutorials, databases...
    • Visit the News section to get recent (or past) pieces of news related to this field.
    • Would you like to join our discussions? Please, contact us and you will be able to follow our discussion Forum.